Should Kim return her engagement ring?


  • melissa - 13 years ago

    this kim need a life stop being a bitch...

  • Hessa - 13 years ago

    Well her "idol" is Elizabeth Taylor and I bet Liz kept all her baubles from her many failed marriages, and then some, so Kim will probably do the same...and frankly, she is upset that he is now hiring a publicist and doing "parties and other engagements" for a she just pissed that he is taking away an opportunity for her or one of her publicity whore siblings?! I think the charade of a relationship and "fairytale" marriage was for show, for publicity, for money and fees....and what I really have the hardest time with is, how in the world did a world class seemingly normal athlete (Bruce Jenner) ever marry into such a dysfunctional circus? And when the family was in Tahiti or Bora Bora, Kris saw them warts and all, and still went forward...what the heck was he thinkin'?

  • Tina - 13 years ago

    If Kris really bought the ring she should return it. I know he is a professional athelete but if he earned the money to buy it he should have it back. I know these are celebrities we are talking about but I actually thought he seemed pretty normal and down to earth. However there were simply too many disagreements during the wedding show and it was clear that this was not gonna work if it was real to start. Too bad some celebrities just don't care about anything but their fame. I am just an average middle class American who goes to work every day, pays my bills, is raising a family and has been happily married for 25 years. However I devote everyday to my marriage and my family to make it work. I am proud of it.

  • Billiejo - 13 years ago

    Does she really know the meaning of love?? I mean your going to go through some hard times....It's only been 72 days....Give the ring back, Kim. And exactly was she really in love or wanted the wedding of her dreams. Her mother and her ruled everything. She didn't even take her HUSBANDS last name. She has been in some very public relationships and has messed them all up. She should just keep being selfish and stay to herself instead of breaking others peoples hearts. Reggie knew what he was doing!!!!!!

  • JESSE - 13 years ago

    What a farce. They should have such problems in their lifes. I wish their shows would go off the air instead of everyone continuing to contribute to their walets by watching their shows

  • Peggy - 13 years ago

    Personally, I feel it should be auctioned off and the proceeds go to a charity of the purchaser's choosing. I think Kris and Kim entered into the marriage for the fame and to make a few extra dollars on the royalties of the wedding. They never had a serious relationship to begin could see that just by watching the show.

  • siobhan - 13 years ago

    The proper (and classy) thing to do is to return it (provided he paid for it). But the Kardasians have no class, so I won't hold my breath.

  • nancymazurek - 13 years ago

    if she bought it its hers to keep.. if he bought it and shes the one ending it she should give it back.. the whole relationship was too short besides its not like she needs the money. She made enough off of her marriage to him with all the gifts and money and her fairytale wedding..Chris was a fame whore just like Kim. when someone doesnt love you enough to take your last name you know they are all about themselves and he loved the attention he got from everyone.

  • melissa - 13 years ago

    She should give the ring back. However, I actually like the idea that Tina posted. Donate it for charity. At least something good will come out of something that should never have taken place from the very beginning.

  • Tina - 13 years ago

    She should sell it and donate the money to charity after all the money that was wasted on that wedding. What a shame!

  • Sarah - 13 years ago

    She should also return all the wedding presents she received! Those guests were duped!

  • tammy - 13 years ago

    If he wasn't good enough for her after only 72 days - AND she initiated the divorce, she should give it back. He'll probably need to sell it so he can have some pocket money!

  • Diane - 13 years ago

    Yes Kim really should give the ring back, BUT she doesn't have enough class to do so. what a waste of Kris's time.

  • rebecca - 13 years ago

    If she bought it- I guess it's hers. But if she's the one ending the relationship AND he bought it? She better give it back.

  • audrey - 13 years ago

    She should return the ring and the gifts too!

  • Himim - 13 years ago

    it depends on who bought it to start with. I bet that SHE bought it (or at least is was her money that paid for it). In which case, she shouldn't have to "give" it back

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