(POLL) Who's Your Favorite GOP Candidate?


  • Jeff Swanson - 12 years ago

    This word; isolationist. I think it doesn't mean what you think it mean. Otherwise you don't know anything of which you speak. You don't know Ron Paul's policies. As a matter of fact you likely think isolationist means the opposite of it's true meaning.
    Free Trade With All, Entangling Alliances With None~Ron Paul, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin etc.
    Please now go educate yourself and please stop sycophantically following billy o'reilly. He's a twit who thinks Lincoln followed the constitution and he also believes; despite historical evidence to the contrary, Lincoln beneficently freed the slaves.

  • Lorna - 12 years ago

    the media is just as bought and owned as the rest of the corrupt system and they are running the show. herman cain is at the top of the polls bc he is getting the most media coverage. ask any child what is better, negative attention or no attention at all? its no wonder they havent given any credibility to Ron Paul, he IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE WHO WILL BRING ABOUT CHANGE, and to the establishment, change = BAD. RON PAUL OR BUST!

  • Lorna - 12 years ago

    the media is just as bought and owned as the rest of the corrupt system and they are running the show. herman cain is at the top of the polls bc he is getting the most media coverage. ask any child what is better, negative attention or no attention at all? its no wonder they havent given any credibility to Ron Paul, he IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE WHO WILL BRING ABOUT CHANGE, and to the establishment, change = BAD. RON PAUL OR BUST!

  • Shawn Shipley - 12 years ago

    Henry Louis Mackenson, speaking of government, wrote:

    "All it can see in an original idea is potential change, and hence an invasion of its prerogatives. The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are. "

    Ron Paul is this most dangerous man and he encourages others to think for themselves, too. The exposition of the insanity perpetuated by our government is what causes those who listen to what he says, and those who research such things, to become so enthusiastically supportive of him as a candidate - we want an end to these insane wars. The new idea is indeed an invasion of the prerogatives of those in power and this is why most mainstream media sources have ignored him for so long. Hopefully these sources will come around before it's too late - hopefully they will see that Austrian Economics are superior to Keynesian Economics, that commodity-based money is superior to fiat money, that diplomacy is superior to peace, that non-intervention is not isolationism and is superior to policing the world. Hopefully they will see that the stripping of our liberties in the name of increased security is actually even more dangerous to us than successful terrorist attacks.

    I don't believe that everyone in the mainstream media or that Bernanke want to destroy the United States. I don't think that the TSA agents think that they're doing a disservice to America. I believe that these people are simply mistaken and that, because Bernanke and many in the mainstream media have lived all of their lives believing that things work a certain way and have acted in that direction for so long, they are unwilling or unable to consider the possibility that they could have been wrong and could have been actually damaging the United States this whole time. This is a tough realization, but it's something that we need to face if we're going to restore America.

    P.S. An example of insanity:
    The government uses fiat money and borrows endlessly from other countries in order to buy up worthless assets in an attempt to stabilize a system in which we bomb bridges and then rebuild them in an effort to overthrow (in order to "promote democracy" and by way of undeclared wars) dictators who we've been propping up through the years.

  • Justin S. - 13 years ago

    !! Another Ron Paul Landslide.. ERR !!
    This keeps happening again and again. And I cant fine Ron in any lies, I have tried to find something that would discredit the man for 4 years now . But all I find is me. My ideas my thoughts! I cant disagree I cant stop the idea... I want what Ron Wants! What I know Americans want. Its what you want to. And it might hurt to grow up and get back to that idea but We will be Free once more.

  • Sandhu - 13 years ago

    Let give a chance to Dr. Paul to correct all the ills ,the two parties have created and brought this GREAT Nation to its knees.Let the TRUE AMERICAN SPIRIT reign for next four years.VOTE for Dr. RON PAUL

  • Zack - 13 years ago

    Mitt Romney has flipped on every major issue, including major conviction issues like abortion, gay marriage, and individual mandates. Romney Care is but a taste of his Federal spending agenda.
    Herman Cain is a former Director of the Federal Reserve who not only insulted those of us wanting an audit, he suggested we have someone else like Alan Greenspan as Chairman again. His tax plan and banking history deserve NO Tea Party support.
    Newt Gingrich is far more Big Government than he lets on. His Contract With America failed in the 90's just like it will this time around. He doesn't support state's rights, just look at Yucca Mt. He supported individual mandates in the 90's.
    Rick Perry is as Big Government as they come, and it's insulting that he consider himself to have Tea Party support. Weak on immigration. Drunk.
    Ron Paul has never voted to raise taxes. Never voted unconstitutionally. Never changed his views. Believes in low spending and a noninterventionist foreign policy. PAUL 2012!

  • Sam Ray - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul 2012!!!!......The ONLY choice for America!!!!!

  • Garrett - 13 years ago

    What can I say that hasn't been said? Wake up Fox! Ron Paul is who we want!

  • sandi lane - 13 years ago

    I am hopeful that this on line poll will be talked about at least at the fox network. Ron Paul for president 2012. I've done a lot of homework on why I will vote RP. GOD bless america.

  • Bryan Marsh - 13 years ago

    I just wanted to say that I found my candidate. I wish more people saw what I saw with Ron Paul. This will be the first time I ever voted. I am 34 years old. I sell cars for a living and I know when people are lying and trying to get around the truth. And I'm not talking about the salesman either.

  • Bryan Marsh - 13 years ago

    I just wanted to say that I found my candidate. I wish more people saw what I saw with Ron Paul. This will be the first time I ever voted. I am 34 years old. I sell cars for a living and I know when people are lying and trying to get around the truth. And I'm not talking about the salesman either.

  • Justin - 13 years ago

    Its not Dave's fault that Main media tends to think isolationism is not bombing every country into oblivion. People Ron Paul believes in a "non-intervention" foreign policy, WAY different from what we're doing now and Isolationism

    Ron Paul is the Candidate of Peace, Civil Liberties, Prosperity, and is with out doubt the Champion of the Constitution. Please take some time to look him up on google or youtube, believe me what he says will make perfect sense.

  • HomeschoolingMom - 13 years ago

    I wouldn't vote for any candidate except Dr. Paul! He is head and shoulders above the rest.

  • Chase M - 13 years ago

    Ed Clemow hit it right on the nail! Ron Paul is the only legitimate candidate!

  • nick - 13 years ago

    Hey dave ,

    Grab a dictionary adn look up a few words:

    isolationist: no concern for other nations

    Non-interventionist: Concern for your country first and free trade with others. A strong defense if someone starts to encroach on your property rights, or liberty.

    Get it straight before you spout off about a candidate who has a great understandign of this issue.

    Listen to a Michael Scheurer interview sometime. He should classify as an expert in your book. He is straight forward in his support for Ron Paul's foreign poilcy for the middle east.

    Former CIA head of Bin Ladin unit probably knows more than you or I will ever know about the middel east.

    Free trade with all entagling alliances with none.

    Ron Paul 2012 study him out before you say anything else, please.

  • dave - 13 years ago

    The fact that his foreign isolationists policy have proven over and over again to not work for one.

  • Ed Clemow - 13 years ago

    If the media would ever explore the reasons why Ron Paul's fans are so motivated, if you would ever mention out loud his fine character, consistent voting record, accurate economic projections, unique devotion to the Constitution, his avoidance of lobbyists, his mastery of world history and many other subjects, his total unyielding consistency, and all the rest of his sterling qualifications for president, he would win hands down in a landslide, because people could see what he is actually like.

    What in the world are you all so afraid of?

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