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Which Republican candidate would you like to see debate President Obama

Total Votes: 4,244

  • Ron Paul Supporter - 13 years ago

    RON PAUL 2012!!!

    Anyone else will ensure Obama gets a second term. Put Paul and Obama in a head-to-head debate, and Paul would school Obama over and over again. Paul knows his history, and is wise enough to make sure we don't keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. He has been right in his predictions for over 30 years, and has far more creditably than all the other candidates combined.

    Shame on the Lame Stream Media for trying to drown Dr Paul out. Every time they ignore or disregard him and put another political puppet of the banksters (Cain, Romney, Perry, etc..) on the air instead, they loose creditably in the eyes of the public.

    Dr. Ron Paul is on a winning streak, and it's awesome. GO RON GO!

  • Richard Smith - 13 years ago

    Jeff, parts of what you said should be used in ad

  • JeffnDallas - 13 years ago

    I would LOVE to see a Paul/Obama debate! Given the "economy" is the #1 issue on the minds of the American people, Ron would BURY the President in such a debate given both his fiscal acumen as well as his command of historical precedent(s). And what better candidate to challenge a "Consitutional Law" attorney, than the current "Champion of the Consitution" who has for almost 30 years used the Consitution as his sole measuring rod for voting in Congress.

    Mitt would have no ground to stand on, too much flip-flopping and "Romneycare" to answer for;
    Rick P. has aready shown he simply cannot "debate" no matter "who" he is up against; Cain speaks in sound bites and symbolism with no real substance; the rest (while I think are good people) are still by all polls and fundraising, simply "the rest".

    Ron has the young vote behind him, the energy, the fundraising and both the character and consistency to stand up to the current President and debate on any issue of choice -- period. I'd pay concert-ticking-prices to watch "this" debate!

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