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Total Votes: 45

  • mx123 - 13 years ago

    see latest comment on the mx123 video blog

  • mx123 - 13 years ago

    And the winner is ... #7 , the penquin. 1811 votes. Unbelievable.

  • mx123 - 13 years ago

    And the winner is ... #7 , the penquin with 1811 votes.

  • Ethan - 13 years ago

    sorry, I forgot to link my blog... It's so cool.

  • TheEthanThompson - 13 years ago

    I thought the voting was over on Dec. 8? What happened there? Well... doesn't much matter anyways...

  • Bob Builder - 13 years ago


  • Ethan - 13 years ago

    No worries Bobby (or mx123), there's no way I can win at this point. I've exhausted my resources and no more large amounts of votes will be coming in for my video. But thanks for the opportunity anyways. Later.

  • mx123 - 13 years ago

    Bob Builder,
    You raise a valid point about that video. In the event it does win we will have to honor the contest rules but will choose to not endorse or promote that video as representing

  • Bob Builder - 13 years ago

    "keeping digital copies of dvds" sorry...

  • Bob Builder - 13 years ago

    Wow, vide0 #5 has received a lot of votes in a day! Anyways I have a concern for You ought to be careful with a video like this one, because of how it promotes keeping digital copies of dads before selling them to you. That sounds a lot like promoting piracy, and is probably not something your business needs under its hat. Putting dvd content on a hard drive and then selling the hard copies is illegal and the video should be disqualified.

  • mx123 - 13 years ago

    late entry #5

  • Macdavis - 13 years ago

    #4 clean your room before yoSothoot your vid!

  • Bob Builder - 13 years ago

    haha... bob dole just did the exact thing that he says implies living in his mothers basement with his world of warcraft porn. That's better than living in your world of warcraft basement looking at your porn of your mother.

  • Bob Dole - 13 years ago

    The fact that Bob Builder is trying to have a logic debate on a comments section of a video contest shows that he still lives in his mothers basement, breathing through his nose to his World of Warcraft porn. Pwn on nerd, pwn on.

  • Bob Builder - 13 years ago

    HAHAHA..... good call your grandma!

  • your grandma - 13 years ago

    pollypurebread is chinky

  • Bob Builder - 13 years ago


    So because polly purebread didn't make a video for this competition that implies that she sits around and does nothing? Wow, your logic is that of a first grader. You are a lowlife idiot that has nothing to do except bash other people. I'm sure you haven't done "everything" in the world, so by your logic anything you didn't do that someone else did, that person could say that you do "nothing." Your stupidity is unfathomable...

  • Biggun - 13 years ago

    @Polly Purebread,

    you didnt make one. any retard can sit around and not do anything like yourself

  • polly purebread - 13 years ago

    any retard could make 6

  • Bob Builder - 13 years ago

    wow... chinky from video one is a serious retard

  • Bob Dole - 13 years ago

    2 and 8 and 1 are the worst ones. At least 6 is funny.

  • Your Grandma - 13 years ago

    Why does the stupid surface to the top? (6)
    2 and 8 deserve the win.

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