Do you think this ad should be banned?


  • Malakim - 13 years ago

    Yes its a horrible shot she looks tire and worn out but if you were holding something in your lap that would be one of the more comfortable and often chose ways to do it especially if you were siting and showing someone else. I see nothing sexual about the ad itself if it was an older woman or even a sultry look then yes maybe until then people need to chill out and get their minds out of the gutter.

  • Alamor - 13 years ago

    I do not see this ad provocative or obscene. Some people they need to stop thinking in the wrong way. The way she is looking it feels she just wake up. In other words she looks sluggish instead of provocative. I have seen really provocative ads. I do not want to dissapoint no one, given my opinion

  • Kriz - 13 years ago

    It would have been okay if it was a grown up woman but she's technically a child with a flower between her legs and it's not okay. Plus the picture of her in this Ad is not very attractive

  • Starrie - 13 years ago

    Don't be so naive. That flower on that bottle is there for a reason. That bottle is also in between her legs for a reason. It's not about what she's wearing, it's about what the photograph as a whole says.

  • grownazwoman - 13 years ago

    OMG...... had no one made the sugestion that this ad was provocative everyone would have looked at it and said hey theres Dakota Fanning and flipped the freaking page. They make it sound as if she's in a Paris Hilton dress face forward exposing all of her goodies, smh. I also agree with NikkiG, it is a horrible picture of her (no offense, i do like her as an actress), they should have banned it for that reason alone, lol.

  • NikkiG - 13 years ago

    Its the way the picture is shot! If it was in a different position, i dont think it would be such a problem. Without it being an AD, Its a horrible picture! I could take a better "positioned" picture than that!

  • Terry - 13 years ago

    And we wonder why the news is full of adults molesting TEENAGERS &KIDS. Call me old fashion but maybe if we curbed in the sex appeal a little peple would not assume it's okay.

  • Camiss Lee - 13 years ago

    Oh Jesus! I think she's not a child, or am I wrong?? People, please, we are leaving the discernment... this is not offensive.

  • lanna - 13 years ago


  • Mo - 13 years ago

    Wheres the choice for nNone of the above? I do not find the pose provocitive just poorly shot.

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