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  • James St. John - 13 years ago

    I can't believe that you put Huntsman and Santorum on this list and still ignore Gary Johnson.

  • David in SanDiego - 13 years ago

    Oh come on...yes they are acting and talking like defenders of Liberty. Newt is a complete globalist war-hawk. Read his foreward in the Heidi Toffler book. He is a destroyer of United States sovereignty and a supporter of global warming taxation. Herman was the CHAIRMAN of the Kansas City Federal Reserve for Gods' sake, and he said he wants another "Alan Greenspan" style head of the Federal Reserve, and he lied outright when Ron Paul called him out on calling those that want the "Fed" investigated stupid! These two are disingenuous creeps that only care about taking this once great country further down this path of destruction of the USA and turning our then badly crippled country over to the globalist owners through the United Nations, the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements. The restoration of our Constitution is the only answer. Ron Paul is the only one that adheres to it with unwavering devotion and respect. Now if you don't love our Constitution and would like another governing document, then why don't you both head to North Korea and see if living in a totalitarian state is everything you dreamed it would be.

  • Bill - 13 years ago

    I agree with lynne. Newt for President and Cain for VP. Each are leaders in their own way. two These two very smart men we lead America out of the Obama depression we are now in.

  • lynne - 13 years ago

    please not RON PAUL i like both herman cain and newt i think this combo would be good for our country :-)

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