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  • valk1965 - 13 years ago

    The girl with the messy hair has my vote. Awesome blogs ! Just love love love her work !

  • Harry - 13 years ago

    Great work Arse!!!! If you haven't checked out this guy what are you waiting for? Straight From The Arse all the way!!

  • Alushka - 13 years ago

    Vote for The girl with the messy hair :)

  • Gail - 13 years ago

    Cathy's personality shines through in her writing. Gotta luv ya. Keep us laughing and or crying. Great writing.

  • Rick - 13 years ago

    this blog is very informative and easy to read
    Arse has a good knowledge of what he writes about

  • Checks - 13 years ago

    go go go KD! Love you, girl! thank you for inspiring normal girls like me! :)

  • Rhea - 13 years ago


  • reason2believehim - 13 years ago

    My vote goes for Girl With the Cane... an awesome personal work that is inspiring and heart touching.

  • Kirsten Kelley - 13 years ago

    The Girl With the Cane is a wonderful, insightful, giving from the heart and mind experience. I am honored to have found it and her writing has brought me peace, laughter and insight that I now value as part of my daily life. A MAY ZING!!

  • rorie - 13 years ago

    thumbs up!!!

  • Gillian Brunette - 13 years ago

    'Life on the Muskoka River' could read 'Life Anywhere'. Cathy manages to convey what most women are feeling on a daily basis. She is eloquent, funny, deprecating and down to earth. Makes for a great read.

  • Jamie Woodman - 13 years ago

    Love what you do Cath! Always have.....
    best wishes & hope you WIN!

  • Amazing journey for Cole and the family - 13 years ago

    wonderful writing and experience

  • dorothyc.robb - 13 years ago

    Enjoy all Cathys stories. many different subjects. They can make one happy or sad and

    so many other different emotions.

  • Rose Evans - 13 years ago

    Life on the Muskoka River is exactly the read you need when you feel like your day is going up the creek - makes you realize that is what life is with humour and honesty. Enjoy the read and keep them coming Cathy.

  • Liz Griffin - 13 years ago

    Life on the Muskoko River is an honest, in-depth look into life. Whether a personal, depressing, insanly happy or hilarious, her posts catch your enthusiasm and attention and draw you in. She definitly deserves this award!

  • Debbie Adams - 13 years ago

    Life on the Muskoka River is my favourite. Cathy is funny. No. Make that hilarious. Through her gift of writing, she shares her inner thoughts, her imagination, her family life, her feelings and everything else that makes her so special to all her regular and devoted blog followers.

  • Debi Davis - 13 years ago

    Life on the Muskoka is larger than life and just full on funny

  • Joh Davis - 13 years ago

    Life on the Muskoka River is always thought provoking ,entertaining and provides that magical respite from our stressful world.

  • Mandy Davis - 13 years ago

    Life on the Muskoka River is personal, profound and magical

  • Kelly Gough - 13 years ago

    Life on the Muskoka River is honest and inspiring.

  • Jo Bryant - 13 years ago

    A Lighter Shade Of Gray is just an adventure - a great site...

  • Cathy Milne - 13 years ago

    How exciting for you! I am proud to be among your regular readers. Best wishes and I definitely consider your blog the BEST PERSONAL BLOG!

    Ta Ta for now, Cathy the Bagg Lady

  • joy bacon - 13 years ago

    I am not a big fan of technology, but I do enjoy reading A Lighter Shade of Gray. I love the photos and many of the thought provoking, insightful and informative topics. Please say yes, to a Lighter Shade of Gray.

  • Mark Armstrong - 13 years ago

    I, too, am a big fan of A Lighter Shade Of Gray. I look forward to my visits, and I leave refreshed, convinced that the world is, indeed, a beautiful place.

  • Bee - 13 years ago

    I only comment on blogs which inspire me to say something. Margie's is one of the few I comment on nearly every time she posts. Her pictures invariably make me look at something in a slightly different ways, and her thought-provoking posts do the same.

  • Amy - 13 years ago

    Gogreygirl blog is filled with great posts, beautiful photos, and wonderful stories. It reflects her kindness, thoughtfulness, and love for nature. I am educated and enriched every time I visit her web blog. I truly hope she will get the award.

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