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Are the ads creepy or cute?

Total Votes: 14,887

  • call me weird i dont care - 12 years ago

    i love it but it is kind of creepy i wonder if the had sex?

  • dork - 12 years ago

    im a gay girl i think they were hot sexy moma i love it i wanna have sex with them

  • james demuth - 12 years ago

    wonderful pics of the family.i thought mom and daughter were best friends.there both adults.only creepy votes are the perverts-how could anybody think this was sexual.two women looking good for there husbands.probably just back from fighting the war overseas-felt a little dress up was the order for today.

  • doesnt matter - 13 years ago

    its very messed up! a mother and daughter should never be that close wearing that little of clothes no matter how close of a relationship they have. its not "healthy" at all

  • UnderDog - 13 years ago

    To all the folks who think there's nothing wrong with this: Please explain in what scenario it's appropriate for a mother and daughter to be laying all over one another, sensually, while wearing lingerie.

    This is clearly inappropriate. To the ad guy in the article who said there's nothing wrong with it as long as you look past the lingerie: Well, that's the point, isn't it. They're wearing lingerie and pressing their bodies together. The expressions don't help either. However, the embracing wouldn't be that big of a deal, if they were wearing normal clothes.

    Lingerie serves on main purpose, and that's SEX. Period. That alone sets the mood for these photos, and that's what makes it creepy. Anyone who isn't intelligent enough to see that, should do the world a favor and remove themselves from society.

  • Old Guy - 13 years ago

    It is an AD, which a lot of people looked at. And it proves sex sells, it has nothing to do with proper or improper, only that people saw the AD and thought about buying the product. These people have no morals, they just sell a product.

  • Ebenwolfe - 13 years ago

    This is by no means a matter of prudish behaviour or outdated morals. The problem with these pictures is not so much that they depict a mother and daughter, it is that they do so in such a faux sensual manner. No mother and daughter repose in such fashion nor hug in such fashion. This is adding a sexual subtext to a relationship in which we would never accept such a thing. A mother and daughter together in their underwear is as natural as it would be in swimwear or even naked. The moment such a relationship is depicted in that DH Lawrence manner however the tone is changed and it becomes debased.

  • dave41 - 13 years ago

    Why does everything involving the human body have to have a sexual connotation?
    If it impossible for two women to feel comfortable enough with themselves to have such a picture taken?

    Take a picture of a two year old from the back as the child, who has no clue what sex is, frolics, you can bet some sicko is going to put HIS thoughts overs yours and FYFS will be there in 5 mins.

    Not everyone is warped.

  • Chris Hart - 13 years ago

    Hvað er að ykkur...vá þið hagið ykkur eins og ákveðin fordæmdur trúarflokkur í Ameríku. Mér finnst myndirnar einstaklega flottar, fallegar og listrænar. Ég bíð núna eftir að svipaðar myndir birtist af feðgum. Það er ekkert kynferðislegt við þessar myndir eða ósiðsamlegt, nema síður sé. Lynn, stúlkan er rauðhærð, og því ljósari á hörund en almennt er.!!! Hér á ekkert skilt við ''alsælu'' eiturlyf eins og einhver gefur í skin. Sum ykkar ættuð að skammast sín fyrir orðin ykkar hér. Áfram mæðgur, þið standið ykkur vel. Verum náin, snerting er ekki ljótt fyrirbæri, nema síður sé. Það er frekar að það vanti uppá snertingu og vera góð hvert við annað . En það er ljótt að dæma og henda fram ljótum orðum og sleggjudómum. Áfram Island...Go Iceland..!!!

  • Jen A - 13 years ago

    If the expressions and poses were different, than maybe this would be different... but those two photos, they do look provacative and much too sexual... and that's just creepy and wrong! I hug my mom, not usually in my undies though! Maybe a different setting with them in their lingerie and it would work..

  • LYNNE HARRIS - 13 years ago

    It is just wrong. If they were side by side then maybe. But the daughter has the look of estacy on her face. It is not the look of a daughter for her MOM or the mother for her CHILD. And the mother's outfit (?) with the area that is not tanned showing (uck) and the daughter so very white with no color. Put them in some decent ware and put them next to each other on the beach, coming from a dressing room anything but the hug of lovers.

  • Rom - 13 years ago

    A Mother - Daughter "tag team" is a fantasy most guys have thought of.

  • MJ - 13 years ago

    I find this comment "To me it's very obvious they're either planning to have sexual intercourse or have had some kind of sexual intercourse before the picture was taken." stated above hilarous. Relax and see the beauty in the shoot.

  • Erin - 13 years ago

    I think you all have your minds in the gutter. Has society gotten so jaded that any show of affection is thought to be sexual? People - give it a rest. What would someone say if they saw you holding your son or daughter. Did you ever bath with your child. Are you so narrow minded as to believe any display of touch and affection is only sexual?

  • Paula - 13 years ago

    It is the expressions on their faces - not a mother/daughter looking at each other in love or even as friends; the expressions are sensual. Their "hugs" are not normal, either. A mother would pull her daughter in close and and the daughter would "snuggle" in a normal embrace, not this weird embrace with the daughter apparently stroking the mother with her nose (in on pic). Also, when would a mother/daughter ever lie around in that type of lingerie? They'd be hurrying to get ready to go out on the town in those underclothes!

  • Randall - 13 years ago

    More and more we call evil good and good evil. Let's not rationalize that this is cute and innocent, there are better ways to sell underwear that to have a suggestive mother and daughter photo like this one. Sure people will talk about it and that's what the company wants, but no matter how you slice it, it is not appropriate.

  • Stewart - 13 years ago

    If the naysayers would get their body parts out of their hands, then they would see this is a sweet, innocent and generational ad. It's no different from a woman breastfeeding her child in public .... but then again, these puritan would call that foreplay.

  • Corinne - 13 years ago

    This is clearly wrong. To me it's very obvious they're either planning to have sexual intercourse or have had some kind of sexual intercourse before the picture was taken. To me, it's going too far for a mom and daughter to have sexual relations in private and it absolutely shouldn't be photographed and shown in public. That's just celebrating this pure evil that is driving America in the wrong direction. It's telling the rest of America, it's OK to have sex with a family member. Parents shouldn't be sex partners and buddy buddy with their kids, they should set an example for them and provide boundaries for them. And we wonder why America is suddenly experiencing uncanny natural disasters! It's because of the action of people like this, and they'll have you believe it's the innocence of global warming.

  • tom - 13 years ago

    At the first sight i thought it was ok, but after reading the comments, and then looking through others eyes. It maybe to much.

  • Jessica McClain - 13 years ago

    "The younger woman looks like she is in sexual ecstacy which is hardly appropriate if the other woman is her mother" she said shaking her head unbelievably.

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