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Should Congress go part time?

Total Votes: 21
1 Comment

  • reality - 13 years ago

    FL has a part time legislature. So Jeb appoints 2 of his former aides to be judges, and they know "the ropes" so well, that they got a $30million bond issue from the Transportation budget, into Pruitt & Rubio's final budget on the last day, and now FL taxpayers have a "taj mahal" courthouse that will end up costing us $70 million! Does that include the $1 million + rent we also have to pay? And, as to the 2 aides turned judges; one has decreed that us the people have no right to sue to stop a development we don't want, or pollution of our waterways, unless we live right by that development or waterway, or will be affected directly in some way. AND, those of us people who have sued to stop such development or pollution, have to pay court costs and damages! These are UNELECTED people with great power. Elected reps we can get rid of. There are already more lobbyists in DC than Congresspeople. Seen the movie, "Casino Jack"?

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