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FDA right to deny approval of Avastin for breast cancer?

Total Votes: 8
1 Comment

  • Ping ! ponng - 13 years ago

    This is just another method designed to kill many birds with one stone and with the added benefit of the intended consequential ripple affect of another cost saving benefit-----fewer healthcare enrollees and that means fewer future SSI recipients Of course our benign masters in Washington had their mentors in Canada with their OFFICIAL STUDY in the early part of the 21st century that concluded women under 50 didn't need mamograms. Hey, just a few days ago this very subject was revisited there and adding that clinical breast exams might even be harmful,of course they didn't also add----and very expensive for an allready bankrupt healthcare system. First,clinical breast exams might be dangerous,then not wanting to exclude men from the cost saving efforts,we come up with a study stating expensive PSA test for prostate cancer shouldn't be done unless one shows the symptoms. Wow,now thats what I call nipping a potential life saving precaution in the bud! You know by this same logic ,that clinical breast exams just might be harmfull,one might argue that surgery in itself, or any potential treatment ,or cure should be avoided at all cost------given the cost incurred upon a government already attempting to control cost on a bogus "healthcare" system.

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