Do you think universities do enough to curtail hazing?


  • Glenda - 13 years ago

    My heart goes out to the family and friends of the young man who lost his life as well as to the accused. This should never have occurred. Having said that, I feel that if this were the result of hazing, I am sure that no one could have known that it would end like this. I believe that FAMU must bear some responsibility. However, it is obvious that there were efforts to stop the hazing, so I'm not sure what degree of responsibility is theirs. After all, these people are mostly considered to be adults, and I'm not sure that adults, even in that environment, can be controlled. The ultimate responsibility lies with each person who participates at any level in these activities. Suffice it to say that there are thousands and thousands who over many years have participated in hazing. It is the responsibility of each of them to stop it.

  • reese - 13 years ago

    The problem is that too many people who have already been through hazing are reluctant to admit members who didn't have it hard like they did. They think they'll have it too easy and will just breeze into membership. That's not logical; it's a lame excuse to continue bad behavior. The members should expand their own brains and come up with some creative, yet meaningful things to have their prospects do. Beatings and physical abuse are barbaric, cowardly and the easy way. What is the purpose of it? What does it accomplish?

    And the band leader? If he's been trying all these years to get it stopped, he hasn't been trying hard enough. He should have left if it bothered him that much. And he should have blown the whistle. He says the administration didn't back him up--everyone who knew and should have known should be held accountable. A person was killed because of "tradition."

  • Beverly Pearson - 13 years ago

    "This is really tragic when another human being can do this type of harm to another human just to be accepted"! "What is this world coming too"? "Those of them who do this type of inhumane treatment have some serious issues themselves". "There should always be supervision around these young men and women,they are adults in age, but are still children in the mind". "Some young people don't value life today and that is the greatest gift of all and for it to be taken by some children playing head games, is a sin before "GOD"! "This is why confidence is so important in any human being life because when you know who you are, you don't have to conform to no one's,idea of who you should be"! "My sympathy and prayers goes out to the family and "GOD" shall keep them strong throught this time of sorrow"!

  • Beverly Pearson - 13 years ago

    "This is really tragic when another human being can do this type of harm to another human just to be accepted"! "What is this world coming too"? "Those of them who do this type of inhumane treatment have some serious issues themselves". "There should always be supervision around these young men and women,they are adults in age, but are still children in the mind". "Some young people don't value life today and that is the greatest gift of all and for it to be taken by some children playing head games, is a sin before "GOD"! "This is why confidence is so important in any human being life because when you know who you are, you don't have to conform to no one's,idea of who you should be"! "My sympathy and prayers goes out to the family and "GOD" shall keep them strong throught this time of sorrow"!

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