Should English be the United States' official language?


  • Dan - 12 years ago

    My first European ancestors were from France. My first American-born ancestor was born to a French father and a Native American mother in the Mackinaw straits area of what is now Michigan in the early 1600s. I have ancestors who were German, French, Welsh, and Native American. But I AM an AMERICAN. My language is English, not by choice but because in this country our language IS English. My wife's grandparents came to the USA from Italy in the early 1900s, they were told to learn English if they wanted to stay in this country (by the US Government). It is true this country is made up of immigrants but we are a melting pot. This country absorbs different cultures and people but we are bound by a common language (English) to promote the idea of being a multi-language society destrys what has made this country great. My wife's father served in our military, my father and brother and myself served in our military. Our language and our fellow veterans language was ENGLISH. We are Americans and we speak English. So let's drop the politically correct stance and say it like it is. If others wish to come to this country, they SHOULD learn our language and transact business in OUR language. If not, let them keep THEIR language IN THEIR own country.

    With 14 million English-speaking AMERICANs unemployed, we do not NEED any more NON-ENGLISH speaking immigrants who do not WANT to be AMERICANs. (Especially when most of these non-English speaking immigrants are on our welfare rolls- through some sort of tax payer paid child-care or healthcare program at minimum).

  • HARDKOAL - 12 years ago

    american english our official language! ! ! we , all societies need abasic cornerstone stable,and relatively unchangeable to convay the concept defined bny a word ,to remaine basic enough, so that when the same comcept is promoteded in a different language means the same, to all parties
    a contract written, must mean exactly to an AMERICAN AS WELL AS TO HIS "turkish COUNTERPART
    look at what the different interpertations of ""HOPE and CHANGE" did to the united states
    since 2008 ! ! ! !
    millions of immrgrants,italian,greek ,french ,polish .ukranian ,german dutch etc,cane to this country, learned not only to speak english but AMERICAN VALUES in the late 1800s their kids becane :THE GREATEST GENERATION serving the great depression,fighting and winning world war !! and feeding starving europe with the marshal plan
    the meaning of a word{ a thought ] must be the same for me and the other guy ENGLISH only as our corner stone :BATTION SURGEON KOREA -7 th infantry division

  • Michael - 12 years ago

    I have read many of the comments on this page and IMHO they range from the ridiculous to the reasonable. Basically, I am all for "legal immigration" to America. I believe in obeying a nation's laws to the point they are humane, and I believe a nation has the right to protect it's borders. In regards to an official language, I would expect to know something of the language of the people if I were to live in another country - French if I were in France, Spanish if I were in Mexico or Spain, etc. I would also not expect the citizens of that country to pay for me to learn their language just so I can have the privilege of living in their country. If people want to immigrate to America, then may God bless their decision and journey here, may they have all the blessings and privileges that America offers to those who obey the law, and may they learn the language of the land. They are free to maintain their individualism, their culture, their beliefs, but if they expect to live in America, to become a productive citizen of this country, then yes, they become Americans and they should learn English and it should be the official language of the country...until, of course, we are annexed to China or Mexico. :-)

  • Will - 12 years ago

    The United States of America was NOT founded as a multicultural society. It was founded by English speaking people who fought for independence from an English speaking society. Thinking that just because the doors were open to allow others to come join that the rules should change to the will of the guests who came and joined this society is ridiculous. Only an idiot would make that assumption. America was and is an English speaking society who had pockets of non-english speaking groups within it's borders. Many people speak English in France, Mexico, The Philippines, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Korea and many other places around the Globe. By your reckoning then English should also be the official language there. See how silly it sounds when you say it our loud. Just because someone chose to join something it's stupid to expect that group to change just to accommodate you. English was the language of the founders and the greatest majority of it's citizens. We not only want it to be the official language of Government we DEMAND it to be so.

  • Dagobert II - 12 years ago

    In their private transactions people will communicate in whatever manner they find most convenient. Many will 'text' while mathematicians and physicists may find equations more useful. In the legal business of the United States however, English should be the standard. The suspect who received his/her Miranda rights warning in English need not be given it in any other language. All government documents should be limited to English. An understanding of English should be the legal presumption in the United States.

  • Alex - 12 years ago

    Is this a joke....we live in america i dont care what anyone else has to say we speak english period end of story no fucking mulit lingual bullshit this is america and we speak english you come and you learn you dont then go

  • Terry Crowe-White - 12 years ago

    My great-grandparents came here from Belgium in 1893. They spoke French, as did the children they brought with them. They and the children learned English without complaint, and their later children who were born here learned both languages simultaneously. They were not insulted, they came here to become Americans. They flew the American flag high and proudly - even at the annual "Belgian Days Festival". Their sons enlisted promptly to fight in World War I, and those sons saw their sons among the first to enlist at the start of World War II. They came here in search of a better life, they worked hard, and they found that better life. There were no "special programs", there was no "social security", there were no credit cards. They made their own way. They owed no one, and never felt that anyone owed them anything. That's what this country was about, that's what made it great. They came here because they wanted to be Americans, and they were proud to be Americans.

  • Ramon F. Herrera - 12 years ago

    English is, and will forever be, the dominant language, not only in America, but in the world. This is a de facto designation which does NOT need to become de jure (by law). A school bully does not need a certificate of such.

    Our founders chose not to designate an official religion or an official language. The were wise and are much admired for their vision. The only consequence of Official English would be to provide haters with a certificate of legitimacy.

  • Karl - 12 years ago

    To me, Freedom of speech is pretty inclusive of the ability to speak your own native tongue. Enforcing a language, which is essentially what declaring an official one would do, is a means of attrition on minorities and is purely xenophobic.

  • Charles Courtney - 12 years ago

    This is America! I have always thought English is our major language. Why are we even voting on this in first place.

  • Charles Courtney - 12 years ago

    This is America! I have always thought English is our major language. Why are we even voting on this in first place.

  • Scott - 12 years ago

    English as the Official Language of Government, sure. But, this nation was founded but immigrants from all over. If the argument is well the English were here first, No, Spainish were in Florida before the English set foot in America. The Native Americans were the first here, period. But we are not asking everyone in America to learn one of the hundreds of Native American languages.

  • JD - 12 years ago

    One of the efficiencies a global society should develop is a common language. This has immeasurable value. We save on signage and translation of paperwork (save trees!), we save lots of time learning languages, and we save the headaches of dealing with people who don't speak the same language. It's just like standard batteries (AA, AAA), plugs, units of measure, internet protocols, etc. Societies may develop different ones before they met each other, but once they meet, they adopt a standard.

    The problem is that misguided people have unduly linked language with culture, or even race, turning efforts at united language into a "discrimination" issue. This is wrong. Let other languages be retained for their cultural value in the same places that we retain other old culture – museums, where very few of us will even care. And that's the way it will be – once we get to a common language, few will care about the other languages, and we'll all think we were idiots for waiting so long to unify.

    As for which language should be the common language, the evolution of civilization has decided that for us. The dominance of the UK, then the US, has resulted in English becoming the global language of business. It is firmly ingrained in our technology, including all programming languages. Already, the "developing world" considers learning English to be a key to progress. The choice has been made.

  • The Global Warming Heretic - 12 years ago

    I grew up in Southern California. Bi-lingual education has one MAJOR flaw. It never crosses the student over into actually speaking English. It makes a bunch of book publishers and bi-lingual activists rich, but does nothing help it's victims except trap them into a confined area where they live that speaks their language.
    I, on several occasions, had to special order my ballots because they came to me in every language but English. What's wrong with this picture? English should be declared the official language. I have been all over the world and never did I see English subtitles in any of the countries I visited.
    Multiculturalism is Marxism under another name. And it's purpose is to control every aspect of our lives under the guise of "tolerance." I wholeheartedly reject it. Our national motto is E Pluribus Unum. For you public school graduates, that means Out of many, One. Not "Multi."

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    English is the language that is used in this country and it should be the official language. I don't like that my voting ballot is in Spanish and English. This must cost more money to print than an English only one. I also don't like that this poll implies that I don't care about people who speak a different language. I would expect to learn the language of a country I plan to visit/live before I get there. Now I know some are escaping harsh conditions in their home country and need to find relief from that here. Still once they get here, learning English ought to be a high priority.

  • Wyatt - 12 years ago

    This is just an excuse to tell people to "shut up" when speaking a different language. I'm a linguist and I always get the, "Oh, I bet they're talking bad about me in their language, " and I have to reassure them that the people aren't conspiring to kill them or anything. That's, at least, how people will treat it. English as the official language of the government promotes discrimination, as it's been working perfectly fine without an official language since the beginning of the country. We translators need jobs too, you know. The Republicans are all about discrimination though, aren't they? More so than the welfare of citizens, that's for sure. No gay marriages where all are "equal," English only in a melting pot society, Christian law over all even though it's supposedly a country of "separation of church and State." It's all backwards.

  • Wyatt - 12 years ago

    Joe Licketto, have you ever heard of Belgium?

    Also, referring to "OUR" culture, language, society, etc. is a bit... stupid. What about the Native Americans? Why do we not care about the native cultures to the land on which we live? It's because we're imperialists. There are places here that natively speak different languages, found in Pennsylvania, Maine, New Mexico, and Louisiana. Dialects of French, German, and Spanish that have been here for generations. Are those not part of "OUR" culture? Oh, you mean the English speaking majority who can't tolerate hearing a little "bonjour" here and there because they're scared it's a threat to their "culture" of butchering a language of England (and even their official language isn't English).

  • Wyatt - 12 years ago

    Calling this country a "melting pot" is just as ironic as saying this country guarantees all men were created equally. Isn't it all deception when to be an "American" with standard civil rights you have to be an English speaking, straight, white male? Otherwise, you're a "useless immigrant," "a promiscuous homosexual," a racial minority, or a woman whose sole purpose is to cook dinner for the man.

  • Rogers - 12 years ago

    English has been a requirement for the obtaining of a fiancee visa for a long time. That in itself makes English the official language of the United States. The 13 colonies that began as the United States were all English colonies hence that is why English is the base language of this country. (Or did you not know your own history?) Many people from many countries have immigrated to this country even before it became a country and immigration laws have always been a problem, read the Declaration of Independence, it is written in only one language as is the Constitution of the United States and before that The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were only written and published in English. Ladies and Gentlemen, learn your history! English has been the only language used by the Federal Government until after the age of aquarius and then only because of the activists who insisted on watering down and re-writing of our history. That other languages from other countries have been spoken here only shows how many people from many lands have come here to be a part of this Nation and have thus taken on the identity of Americans and our common language of English is a great portion of that identity. Don't like America? You can always leave and return to your native land where they speak a common language also, just not English.

  • Joe Licketto - 12 years ago

    In years past, the USA was built upon the influx of immigrants from all over the world and used to be referred to as "The Melting Pot", where all groups got along by blending their cultures, and where English was the spoken and written language. Therefore, English should be the official language of the United States of America. We should remove ALL bi-lingual "assists" from our documentation (government, legal and standard commercial documents), advertisements and voice messaging systems.

    When people come to this country to live, work, pay taxes and enjoy benefits similar to those of any legal citizen or resident of the United States of America they should be required to learn OUR language in order to get by and fit into OUR society. If they (immigrants - legal or otherwise) plan to stay in this country to work and live then they should learn to speak, read and write our ENGLISH language as all employment and government documents should be written and filed in OUR native tongue.

    I don't believe that you will find any other country bending over backwards to create bi-lingual documentation or schools or voice mail when you call their utilities companies. You also won't find "foreign" or bi-lingual education classes in their school systems.

    Comments welcome.

  • Brad - 12 years ago


    It's not as simple as learning to support 2 languages, but 240+. Do you think we should have to support every language out there? Wouldn't it make sense for people that are here permanently to learn a single language? Do you even know why most people in other countries learn English? It's so they can compete with us in a global economy. It's not to be accommodating to us.

  • barb - 12 years ago

    English is the common language of the educated world at this point. I read on CNN last week that in about 20 years, there will be more English speakers in China than in the rest of the English speaking world put together. Everyone finds it in their own selfish best interests to know English, so it will just happen, there is no reason to belabor the point by establishing an "official" language. It's like mandating that water flow down hill.

  • R - 12 years ago

    English only! multiculture does not work anywhere. Keep America one country. Please!!!!!

  • Nick - 12 years ago

    My family came here from Sicily. They learned to speak english and taught it to thier children. Why is that so difficult? I don't go to Mexico expecting everyone to accommodate me with English even though lot of folks around the world learn it these days.

  • Michael - 12 years ago

    Why is that when the rest of the world feels comfortable speaking multiple languages, we're absolutely focused on only speaking one. You know how everyone talks about our intellectual premise among the rest of the world dropping? Here's their support, loud and clear... Why can't we embrace language and education, and better both ourselves and our country?

  • Brad - 12 years ago

    And people want a true democracy? For all you "progs" that would mean learn English or get out. Now being more reasonable, I believe we should make it official so that ballots, street signs, tickets and other government documents only need to be in English. I do have enough heart to say there should be free classes to help non-English speaking adults learn. My grandparents moved here from Mexico without knowing the language, but quickly learned and raised a family where they were not allowed to speak Spanish outside of the home. That ideology produced 3 High School teachers, a Lawyer and a successful businessman.

  • Lee - 12 years ago

    Thanks to Bill Clinton, the US government is now REQUIRED to print things (instructions, forms, correspondence, etc.) in the language of the recipient! That can be as many as 240 languages, last I heard. How ABSURD !!!
    I know many foreigners who have come here and have paid their own way to learn the language. I lived in South America and I learned Spanish, as did all of my family. They expected us to know Spanish! Our government should only pay for regular ENGLISH classes in school for kids. If adults want to a class, let them pay for it at a college or career school.
    If you come to this country, learn to speak English.
    I also know many foreigners that have been in the US for up to 20 years and THEY DO NOT SPEAK ANY ENGLISH. HOW SHAMEFULL !!!!!!!
    Wake up and get with the program!

  • Twoolf - 12 years ago

    A century ago, when an immigrant came to these shores, one of their first priorities was to learn the language. Many did so before they came ashore. However, in the modern entitlement society we have developed in the last several decades, language is no longer of concern as we have all learned to press 1 or 2. In 50 more years there will be a whole menu of languages to select from, and people will have stopped talking to others because of the language barriers. The country will be so fractured internally, it will cease to exist as we know it.

  • Caryl Traugott - 12 years ago

    I have lived abroad in several foreign countries and in each I learned the language.
    My mother was an immigrant , who at age 12 came from Germany. She learned English
    and was doing the New York Times puzzles at age 99! Spanish is not the only problem here.
    In New England, Portuguese is another language for ATM machines. If you come to
    America, learn the language. Period.

  • Ed S - 12 years ago

    English was fist established so that as people came to America, there would be a common language for ALL to speak. This was done so people could communitate with eachother and also for commerce and trade. People can still speak their native language. I know many families that have mantained their native tongue but speak English outside of their home so as other would understand them also.
    Instead of pictues on resturants menus to order food or multiple signs so "everyone" can read theem. Spend the money on educating people.
    When I go to another country, I try to learn a few words to get by. And people have been very willing to teach me their language.

  • michael Danahy - 12 years ago

    Most of those who scream about English as the official language - don't have a clue about grammar or the English language. Just a good wedge issue to support the bible-thumping, immigrant hating, teabag loving, Obama-bashing, Grover Norquist loving, illiterate mob.
    Get a life right after you take a shower.

  • Conrad Shull - 12 years ago

    I suspect the number of Italian-Americans or Polish-Americans (for instance) who proudly fly an Italian or Polish flag from their front porch who believe the government (local, state or federal) should publish government documents or forms in Italian or Polish is statistically zero.

  • stuffer - 12 years ago

    Why should they learn English. All the retail stores, newspapers, and TV stations are printing everything in English and Spanish. I wonder how much extra I have to pay for a product to offset the extra cost of the printing in both languages. Also, while watching a TV station in English when a weather bulletin comes across along the bottom of the screen it is in English and Spanish. If someone is watching a TV program in English, don't you think they know how to speak and read English, Duh! Enough is Enough.

  • USian - 12 years ago

    If the knowledge of the English language were in place 60 years ago, then G W Bush, would never have been President.

  • Golem - 12 years ago

    English should be the official language. Not because English is the language of the primary founders of the the country or because English has some kind of superiority over other languages, or any other "superiority" aspect, but because the country is far better off if its citizens speak one common language.

    We are exceptional because we are not tribal. Anyone from any background can immigrate to this country and become 100% American. Nevertheless, once you become an American your duty is to America and its principals. English, or any other common language for a country, is a critical aid with respect to such unification. Canada is only one of many examples where competing cultures, often exemplified by different languages, tend to drive the country apart. Given our penchant for free, democratic, intense debate, it is far better that it take place within the borders of a single language. And in our case, that language is English.

  • Jeff D. - 12 years ago

    As far as I understand making English the official language only means making it the required language of the government. Businesses can still cater to any languages they like. Folks can speak whatever they want in private conversation. It all seems pretty obvious. Government should not be required to do business in multiple languages in America. Outreach education programs are fine and various public safety, health, etc info being available in other languages makes sense. But voting and other legal government business should occur in English. Basic proficiency in English should be required for citizenship (and I really mean BASIC - for safety and legal purposes).

    What we should not do is go down the path of France where language restrictions are imposed on private business advertising, etc.

  • William Pisani - 12 years ago

    The language that anybody speaks is protected by free speech, therefore making English the official language of the US, would be unconstitutional.

  • Jason - 12 years ago

    ENGLISH is the language of ENGLAND. We don't live in England, we live in AMERICA. We should be speaking AMERICAN.

  • Manu - 12 years ago

    What does "making English official" mean? It is more of a slogan than reality. Practically, you can't get a a job if you do not know English (unless you are living and working in some pockets where you live in ethnic clusters)! We do not see multi-language friendly businesses because English is not the official language now, but because they want to get the business/money of their non-english speaking clients! I want these crazies to stop talking about emottional issues to pander to the rest of the crazies, and start focusing on bread and butte issues that make sense!!! They talk as if language, religion, gays, abortion etc are going to put food on the table!! Honestly, most of us really dont care about these issues.

  • Randy - 12 years ago

    I've travelled all over the world when I was in the Navy. When I went to a foreign country, they didn't have to learn english to accomodate me. I had to learn some words in their language so I could get along in their country. Most of the people you talk to in other countries know passable english anyway. But if someone comes here and they can't speak english, why should our tax dollars to towards helping them learn english? Can't they pay for it themselves? This is America. Learn the language.

  • Wyatt - 12 years ago

    English wasn't invented in America. It's an immigrant language too. People making an argument that everyone should only speak English usually have high expectations unable to be met by someone who hasn't had the opportunity to learn it at a young age. Having an accent may be deemed as unable to speak the language to some pretentious Americans. It's common sense that learning to speak English is important to become successful in the country, but there are also places where one can get by just fine by only speaking Spanish. Businesses aren't required to supply services to non-English speakers, but they do because it helps their business. If anything, a multilingual society will help businesses and people themselves making them feel more comfortable. Essentially "banning" a language is discouraging for people who want to maintain their familiar cultures, which is what America is all about isn't it? I was taught we were a melting pot of people from all over the world. Handing over the official language to one as difficult and butchered as American English is unreasonable in my eyes. It also allows a path to prejudice similar to racism, but towards languages. Just because American English is a dominant international language doesn't mean we can pretend like it's the only important one and that it's alright to stay ignorant and proud of others.

  • theblues - 12 years ago

    Those who wish to come to this country should be required to know English BEFORE they are granted citizenship. My take is if they don't want to learn English they don't really want to come here to contribute. We have enough leaches in this country already!

  • Michael - 12 years ago

    Declaring English as the 'official' language is like declaring that the sun must come up. People that come here already know that they'll do the best if they can speak the native tongue. Many--generally the older folk--continue with their original languages because it's awfully hard to learn a new language when you've passed out of childhood. Even those people would be receptive to adult education classes if they weren't so busy picking our food and cleaning our toilets.

  • briannon - 12 years ago

    English as the official language would be beneficial to America and create a sense of unity. However, we need to remember that America was built by immigrants from all over the world speaking all kinds of languages. English is predominant, but has never been exclusively spoken in America. If we make English the official language, classes for non-native speaks would definitely be necessary. It is unrealistic and unfair to expect immigrants to successfully adapt to an English-speaking society with no guidance in the language. Learning English for people of most other native tongues is very difficult. They should be given resources to help them learn faster.

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