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Machinists, how will you vote on Boeing contract that would keep 737 MAX work in Renton and settle labor board complaint?

Total Votes: 1,170

  • Jack - 13 years ago

    What do you mean we have not negotiated, the union leaders have negotiated for months. This is a fair contract. I have worked at Boeing since 1989 and those of you who think we should wait for something better are gambling that Boeing wont take the work elsewhere. And they will be able to say 'SEE, WE CANT PLEASE THESE PEOPLE. We will all be standing there with our jaws hitting the ground watching the thousands and thousands of great jobs leaving the reigon. For me, I am not willing to take that gamble because I have to pay an extra $50 or so a month for great health care.

  • Pete - 13 years ago

    Bottom line: The union that is supposed to represent us SECRETLY negotiated behind our backs and by the time we found out by local news (our reps didn't even bother to tell us first!!) it was being advertised as a DONE DEAL.

    To all of you that have been employed with The Boeing Company for 25 seconds and think you know everything AND think this is your job security....... GUESS WHAT? Boeing hired at least 50% too many people and the very instant that '87 line smooths out you will be handed a 60 Day WARN. You have NO job security. So get off your high horse and stop talking like you know everything, Many of us have been here 25 years and more, we KNOW what this is about and WE KNOW that our union is to be trusted less that The Boeing Company. Boeing thinks ahead 50+ years, our union thinks ahead 4.....THREE in this case. We have high school drop outs negotiating with corporate lawyers. You do the math. Boeing walks away laughing once again. They play our negotiating teams like a fiddle, every time.

  • Newbie - 13 years ago

    jetmech's comment is about the most legitament comment on here. I am STILL undecdied on h0ow to vote and that is PURELY based on the fact that I have been here for 8 months. I am still learning how this company runs and what it'spast looks like. My father is in management and my mother is a teacher and they have both worked theyre ways up through this company seeing strikes and layoffs. I am fully unprepared for this type of decision and i sadly say that most "new" employees like myself are in the same boat. I feel like voting no would give us more time to decide and weigh out our options. I am nervous that voting yes will be too quick of a decision but on the same hand voting no will be too much of a threat to our job security. I do not know the ins and outs of a strike or layoff but neither are what I am looking for. Those of you voting do so wisely with every bit of knowledge you have of the past, present, and future of this company for the sake of people like me who do not have the knowledge basis to make a secure decision. All I wish for is time. More time to vote, more time to work, and more time to figure out my place here at the Boeing Company.

  • Pete - 13 years ago

    I'm not voting as the union took the liberty to vote for us in the press and take their membership for granted. It will pass. They tout their jointness programs to the point of
    invading our personal home lives and medical information.

  • jetmech - 13 years ago

    These are called NEGOTIATIONS for a reason! this is the first offer, we have 10 months until the contract is up. Would you go to buy a car and not NEGOTIATE? Turning this offer down does NOT mean we go on strike! It means we go back to the table and get a better offer. Boeing negotiators are very smart, and will use ANY means to get us to buy into this contract.
    Boeing is the one getting the deal on this contract not us. The work retention language is ineffective at best, the medical takeaways, and requirements to give them all your medical history by participating in the Wellness program? Aren't there Hipaa laws against that? And not to mention eliminating the NLRB suit against Boeing? This whole thing is a win win for the company!
    Some posters on here seem to think it's do or die now. If you think about it, Boeing cannot afford a strike, so please don't take the bait, VOTE NO, there WILL be a better offer on the table, we have plenty of time, we can wait. Don't let the lure of holiday cash suck you into a poor contract for the next 4 yrs. Just my 10 cents worth from my 23+ yrs of doing this. Again, VOTE NO!

  • Boeing Worker 999 - 13 years ago

    I'm voting for job security and a good union/company relationship. We vote this down, who knows what will happen. Those who think we will automatically get something better are not in tune with what is happening around the globe, or even this country.

  • Mr. Wobulski - 13 years ago

    You are all fools if you vote for this contact....To all you 737 people out there Boeing will find a loop hole and NOT build the MAX here. We didn't want any more money just more retirement and keep the medical the same. The only reason the Union wants us to get a raise is so they can raise your union dues and buy more damn porches. Did you idiots realize the that BR's have their own pension (much better than ours) that they voted for themselves and you and I pay for it. Also they get 100% medical benefits that they voted for themselves and what do we get ? Crap take aways. They need to have the same retirement and medical we have!!!!!
    Really look at this contract and read it don't just look at the $5000 because you will not be taking home $5000. Think about the future even if the contract is turned down you will still be working....Boeing always has another offer to give they may wait until after Christmas but there is always 3 offers and we are not even close to Sept. yet.

  • machinist - 13 years ago

    Oh yeah, what did we GET for 57 days? You must be using that new math because I'll tell you what I got. NOTHING. A big fat NOTHING after you subtract all the pay I lost. You keep on marching around with the old farts and playing that funky music. I'm voting for a paycheck.

  • machinist - 13 years ago

    So, yetti, you going to turn it down when layoffs come and your vote to keep your $20 bumps me out of my job?

  • yoyo - 13 years ago

    Our Business Rep Mr B. Pe... just bought a new porsche on the backs of your money. hahhah looks like someone is out for himself. hahahahha

  • Da'Yettiman - 13 years ago

    "machinist" is definitely chuggin' the kool-aid and proud to be an idiot. So I'll use small words and attempt to explain the situation.
    The bottom line is the benefits that have been won through strikes were about having a livable wage and benfits for the future, not just right now. If you vote yes on this so-called extension, you give back everything that was accomplished and the 57 days really was for nothing. Do you see the math there?? What you gained is not a gain when you turn around and give it back.
    Just ask your union leaders who are driving new porsches and hummers how much they are giving might just see how you are being set up.

  • machinist - 13 years ago

    Count it up. 57 days of lost pay last time. But by god we didn't have to pay $20 a month. We're brothers and sisters all right, until they put that line in South Carolina, lay off here, and then my brothers and sisters in Renton bump me out of my job. Yeah. I hear you brother. You can vote no, save your $20 and "hold the line", while you brother and sister me out to the sidewalk. You gonna hand over that $20 to one of your brothers standing there on the corner with a cardboard sign? I'm voting YES for me and all MY brothers and sisters. I'm voting YES for a JOB.

  • BAFDE - 13 years ago

    Ha Ha, I knew the old guard would have to find something or everything wrong with this offer. Who wouldn't want to have seamless transitions from one contract to another? I guess the old timers who don't have to worry about getting the boot from their "Brothers and Sisters" over $20 a paycheck more for medical. Striking for the "moral nickel" is the equivalent of tripping over a buck to pick up a dime with these folks. The Offer never changes just the way it gets cut up. I'm voting YES to go into the next year with as much job security you can get these days. Go ahead go on strike you old timers and dare Boeing to move the entire 737 Max production away from us, worked out real well last time didn't it? You lost more than what little increases you held out for.

  • glee - 13 years ago

    'machinist' read the post titled 'Union worried about 737Max' in the boeing finance message board. That will give you some insight on how much job security this contract will give you.that is in the Yahoo finance page. BA is the call letters.

  • VOTE YES - 13 years ago

    I am not to worried about the idiots posting on here, voting to strike no.... I know that there are enough level-headed, INTELLIGENT people working for Boeing who will VOTE YES. Sorry to say, but your complaining falls on deaf ears. I dont listen to uninformed gibberish. Do your research and form your own opinion. I have been here for almost 5 years, been through one strike already (worth nothing), and I look forward to a long future with the company. I do not feel entitled and I work hard for my paychecks! Please think twice about jeopardizing my future here by voting no.... VOTE YES for good reasoning!


  • Machinisttoo - 13 years ago

    I AM not in WA State and by NO means a union supporter however,
    Machinist....You must have taken the KoolAid if you think that this is a promise that Boeing will build the next 37 in WA State.
    There is NO job guarantee with Boeing. They can and do move product as they see fit.
    Sign the contract, in two years time you just may be in SC building the aircraft for $12 ph wages.
    I have seen too many jobs gone to outsourcing or off loads after being promised the job would remain. All in the name of "capacity" All Boeing has do do is say is "It does not make a sound business decision to remain at A or B." Based on that we are moving to C.
    Watch and see, all the "old guard" as you call us can say we told you so as you hand over your company badge.

  • machinist - 13 years ago

    Things have changed. The old guard thinks they marched around the factory, made a lot of noise, stood around a burn barrel and got rewarded for it. All I got was lost pay. Boeing built a factory in South Carolina. Maybe you missed that? BOEING BUILT A FACTORY IN SOUTH CAROLINA. I hear people saying customers want planes built in Renton. In your dreams. They care about price. If we want the work, we better be prepared to not only continue providing the best airplanes in the world, but negotiate. Negotiate doesn't mean stamp your feet and cry like a baby. They gave me a guarantee I'd have a job. I'm willing to give a little to get that. As far as all those selfish people who have been there 30 years and don't care if there are jobs in Washington 10 years from now? You can go stand outside, burn newspapers and whine. Me, I'm working for $30 an hour in WASHINGTON.

  • machinist - 13 years ago

    I tell you this - I got NOTHING out of the last two strikes. NOTHING. But a bunch of old farts marching around the factory demanding that I stand out in the cold and lose a month of pay. I'd like more. Who wouldn't? But in this economic climate, I'm voting yes for jobs for Puget Sound. I don't want to move to South Carolina. You can threaten all you want. It might have worked in the past when we had a lock on building airplanes. But this is a new age.

  • glee - 13 years ago

    'machinist', you don't think we have all been layed off by this company? some of us more than once. But we know a good contract from a bad one that is being shoved down our throats. you are looking only at the $5000. Which will only end up being $3000. The fact that we have been their longer than you, and in the 'stone age' doesn't make one bit a difference.Except that we have stayed strong on all the important issues in prior contract years.So you can have the good health care benifits, wages, holidays, etc. We did that for you! But you think only of yourself i guess.So you do what you have to, but if we do go on strike again, I hope at least you don't cross picket lines.

  • machinist - 13 years ago

    Where were all those brothers and sisters the last layoff? What the heck did I get out of a month long strike? Those brothers and sisters that have been there 24 years have got theirs all right. Now they're making sure that they keep it no matter what the cost to the rest of us. You want to live in the stone age? Fine. Lemme know how you and Wilma are doing. Me, I'm living in the 21st centure. And I'm voting to keep my job. YES.

  • machinist - 13 years ago

    South Carolina is about the only place there will be any work if this contract doesn't pass. Yeah, you voted on a contract 24 YEARS ago. You're one of the people going to be bumping all those guys when the layoffs start if we don't vote YES.

    You been here 24 years and don't care who you bump into a layoff? Sure. Vote no.

    You want to keep a job? Vote YES.

  • TinMan - 13 years ago

    Once again, this contract does not provide any kind of job security.
    From the offered contract:
    " make strategic work placement decisions associated with a condition of sale or market access, to subcontract or offload work due to lack of capability or capacity, to subcontract or offload work to prevent production schedule slippage, or to temporarily subcontract or offload work due to emergent short term needs..."
    This means the Boeing Corporation can move any or all of every plane program anywhere they want. The Boeing Corporation can offload or subcontract any job in the factories. MPRF's, mechanics, electricians........EVERYONE!
    The Boeing Corporation has done this before. They have agreed to contracts that offered raises and incentives and promises to maintain employment in Washington State. As soon as the contract was signed, they immediately began laying off workers by the tens of thousands. The medical benefits, the raises, the incentives meant absolutely nothing - because they weren't employed there long enough to collect any of it. And despite receiving billions of dollars in tax cuts, the Boeing Corporation reneged on their "promise" not to move programs out of Washington State.
    The contract the Boeing Corporation is offering is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. They know they wont have to make good on any of it.

  • Scott - 13 years ago

    Vote on the contract when the last one is about to expire. The contract isnt horrid, but haste makes waste. Let fear drive your pathetic decisions a year from now, not today. Vote no.

  • Boeing Machinist Electrician - 13 years ago

    Vote "NO, no,no"! Don't be so easily lured by that $5,000 payoff. They are trying to push this thing through in a big hurry before people have a chance to really figure out that it is a BAD offer!
    Don't give into to that $5,000 lure.! VOTE NO!!!!

  • Jen Wold - 13 years ago

    Join my website, click on my name and join an active conversation with other Boeing employee's. Let's hear your opinion

  • Jen Wold - 13 years ago

    Join my website, click the link and join an active conversation with other Boeing employee's. Let's hear your opinion

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    Well said Fred and Glee!! "Machinist" maybe you should apply in South Carolina. I hear they have lots of job openings around the $12.00 an hour level just for people who don't want to stand up for whats best for everyone. If the "new age" is all about me me me, South Carolina would be a much better fit for you you you! Remember we still have 9 more months to come up with something that will satisfy all.

  • Glee - 13 years ago

    in reguard to the post by 'machinist', people like you who don't stand up for better, will be the undoing of all gains made by people that have sacrificed before you. You will quickly be among the ranks of the non-represented. you give in at the drop of a hat. You will regret it.

  • fred - 13 years ago

    @ machinist. You blame president Obama for the medical monthly co pay?? The Cadillac tax would never apply to us and that's a fact, it's aimed at the ultra wealthy corporate people, you need to get your facts straight and stop bashing Obama. A high-cost health plan is defined as costing more than $10,200 for an individual or $27,500 for a family, including worker and employer contributions to flexible spending or health savings accounts. The cost does not include stand-alone vision or dental benefits. The tax would not be imposed until 2018, giving health plans more time to benefit from possible cost savings from other reform measures.
    You must be listening to the screwed up talking haters who want to pit us against each other, or you watch faux news.
    The Boeing company gave out a bigger bonus 24 years ago when I was a 2 year employee . My bonus was a percentage of my wage and it was about $8,000. Some guys got about $12,500 and that was enough to go buy a new cars for cash! We had about 60,000 union members get theses big bonuses. Now there are about 35,000 of us??? The $5,000 is peanuts to them. They dumped how much into building the 2nd 787 line??? 750 million was one estimate but they got big tax breaks and other incentives...The Boeing company is fat with orders and the board will all get big fat multi million bonuses over the next few years much more substantial than my one time 7% bonus (if calculated based on my wage)
    Sweeten the pot Jimmy!

  • Machinist - 13 years ago

    This is a new age people. The old guys that have the bump back rights may be ready for a third back to back strike, but just who do you think they're gonna bump back when the layoffs come? Where will that "brother and sister" rhetoric be then? Number ONE priority was having a JOB. This contract guarantees we'll have a job. We have to pay a little more for better medical. You can thank Obama for that. He's the one that came up with the cadillac tax that THIS contract assures WE won't have to PAY! I for one am not giving up a months pay that I never got back when we struck the last time. What a waste. It's a good contract.

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    Don't know why people are so intent on buying into this first offer. Listen to people who have worked for Boeing for years not months! The ONLY reason we enjoy a good paying job,good benifits, and a pension, is because of those of us who have been through this before, be it once,twice , or several times, have fought and made sacrafice's to insure present and future employees would be able to live and raise a family comfortably on blue collar dollars. Think LONG AND HARD before you vote for a contract that can be MUCH BETTER! Don't let the signing bonus draw you into a contract that undermines what machinists before you have fought so hard for, for everyone!!! Keeping our insurance premiums very low is important especially for new people starting at less than $15.00 an hour. The language keeping the 37 in renton is full of holes and would make it very easy for Boeing to pull out at ANY time durring the 4 year contract. And then guess what, we get to do this all over again 4 years from now. Once Boeing gets us to accept a contract with reductions in it, that sets the precedence for the next and the next, see where this is going? Nine more months left of this contract plus the above mentioned is plenty of reason to turn this offer down!!!!! Voting yes is very sellfish and only thinking about yourself in the moment, not thinking about what is best for your family now and in the future as well as future machinists!!!!!!!

  • fred - 13 years ago

    Where I work in Auburn the guy who runs our work group has said for 2 years that he is looking out for us and keeping the workload stable....Almost all first and second line management have left since Mr wonderful took over. What we see is massive offloading of our work by Mr wonderful, no overtime, and actually machines sitting with no load under the smoke screen that we are emergent now and capacity has to be available for supporting the production line, only they don't bring in much if any" emergent" work. My upper management would rather pay more to offload parts production and make vendors rich, than give their own employees extra money to work overtime. In the surrounding business units not managed by Mr wonderful in Auburn, the non American transplant from down under, they are hiring people and ramping up production. They are growing their business. The Boeing employees are happy, make good money, and are treated better there. They do not punch a clock and are treated like adults. Boeing is a bizarre place and based on how I'm being treated I will vote no on this contract. We have time to get it fixed. Why do we still only get 5 days of sick leave? Why are different business units not punching the clock? There is no job security in this for me as a machinist. They will continue to give away our core products and invest nothing into the buildings or machines and soon will turn out the lights because they have a 2016 vision of being a "large scale integrator", not a manufacturer. It's in writing have you seen "the 2016 Vision"? It's failed on the 787 but you can't turn back now the big wigs would look stupid...

  • glee davis - 13 years ago

    I vote "hell no! Our union leaders muct be in Boeing's pocket to ambush its members with something as awful as this.

  • NewGen Machinist - 13 years ago

    I vote yes! If you dont like it, go work for the other company in puget sound that pays you $35/hr with awesome benefits... OH WAIT, there isn't one...or go to school (which boeing ALSO pays for). Quit your complaining and do what is best for you, your family, and our economy; VOTE YES.

  • Dave - 13 years ago

    This is a good fair contract under the current economic times. I have worked at Boeing for 22 years and understand that contracts are a give and take. We are so fortunate to be makeing the money that were making. And to think we are whining because we have to pay a little more for our insurence. Those of you that say the bump up in the insurence cost will eat up all of the pay raises should go back and check there figures. Most people out in the world have to pay MUCH more than we do. To many of the people at Boeing feel entitled. If ya dont think your being compensated fairly for your work GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.

  • john - 13 years ago

    Yes yes yes ! Keep the work here . Job security is the key to evrybody winning in this deal. Vote no and watch the 737 fly off to Texas or Utah along with thousands of jobs . Do you really want to play that hand ?

  • Boeing Worker - 13 years ago

    Are you kidding me??? This is a good offer?? Take-a-ways and forgiving the NLRB case??? This is way worse an offer than the one we struck for a little more than 3 years ago. Come on people it's more than 9 months before our contract expires, there will be a better offer. Tell the Union leaders what you think of their sneaky behind closed doors offer... VOTE NO, NO, NO!!! Don't give into the carrot of $5000, of which you'll be lucky to see half of. Don't give into the the raise that will be GONE when YOU have to pay more health care costs, yes do the math, G O N E! Don't give into fact that you have, and will never have job security, Boeing will use you and and discard you quick as they can, just look at Wichita... Read the fine print the 737MAX must fit into the current production envelope, if it doesn't then they have the right to move it. VOTE NO, NO, NO!!! Record breaking orders, huge back log of planes, we don't need to give the company more record breaking profits, by giving up anything, they're doing VERY well even paying the current level of benefits... Remember to vote!

  • Jim - 13 years ago

    "Yer" an idiot if you vote yes for a contract that the company states is an "extension" when really it is worse than the contract we voted 'no' on 4 years ago. This contract is a net loss for the employees with a lot of BS ,smoke and mirrors. VOTE NO

  • No longer a zippo, just a Bic - 13 years ago

    Its to bad the Company can't bring some work to your Brothers/Sisters in Wichita!
    Instead they kick us to the curb and throw us away by selling us out to our family in Washington. Started with the company straight out of HS, 25 yrs and I wont even get a retirement.... Piece of work the folks who made these decisions. Hope history doesn't repeat itself my Brothers/Sisters after you too get sometime under your belts!

  • Brian - 13 years ago

    In these unstable economioc times, I'm just glad to even have a job, let alone one that gives as m uch as this one does. This contract gives a little, but it also requires us Machinist Union members to give a little back. I'm most happy to sign this cntract to avoid the possibility of a strike next year. That's piece of mind for me and my family.

  • Gerry - 13 years ago

    Yer an idiot if you don't vote Yes on this

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