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If you had a Heisman vote, would you give it to Robert Griffin III?


  • Jeffery F. - 13 years ago

    You might change the picture to a team he beat and not one that shut him down. It might be a more convincing argument for him.

  • Steve R. - 13 years ago

    Robert Griffin III should win the Heisman, but he probably won't. This probably won't happen because he is from Baylor, which isn't good enough in the media and the rest of the coaches and school's minds. That is the reason that Baylor did not get into a BCS bowl, when it was rated higher than some schools that did. People don't take Baylor, and Robert Griffin, seriously enough, and that will be their mistake. Baylor will destroy Washington in the bowl game, while the Heisman winner will probably have a bad game and lose, like the Heisman winner usually does. Also, Robert Griffin, if he goes into the NFL this year, will go higher in the draft and be more successful than any Heisman winner. He not only has the skills to be an NFL quarterback, he is extremely intelligent, much like Peyton Manning, and will make it in any system, and team, he is put into.

  • leroy williams - 13 years ago

    Robert Griffin III is the most exciting player in college football. Just look at the numbers and look at the competition which he put up those numbers. Baylor has earned its first Heisman!!!

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