Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?


  • Jimmy D - 13 years ago

    If you don't like to hear Merry Christmas, stay home, turn off the Radio and Television til Christmas is over. After all, it is Christmas time.
    Why would anyone be offended by hearing something meant to be so peaceful?
    Unless there are some deeper rooted issues, I can't see what the problem is!
    Are we closing in on a Dictatorship?

  • Elle - 13 years ago

    I think the double standard that I've read both in these comments and on outside websites is ridiculous. To those saying well if shes being racist I guess it's okay she's being punished, but then to later make comment saying that she is simply expressing herself and that other people need to go back to their own country - do you not see some kind of discriminatory undertones there?

    I have been in Canada for more generations of Grandparents that have been alive for me to meet and I have no problem saying Happy Holidays. Because not only are we being accepting of various religions, many of which have been in Canada just as long as Christianity, we can also include New Years in it too.

    The uproar over a two word phrase is too crazy for me to even wrap my head around. It reminds me of a time that should only exist in history books, telling people to leave our country because of something about our country. I feel like young people especially should be very open about this subject because you will encounter many people in your time - classmates, co-workers, significant others, as just a few examples - that will share different holiday beliefs. Many things change about our country to make it better for every single inhabitant; health care for every citizen, standardized work weeks and minimum wage, expected maternity leave for parents. A simple word choice will not even take money from your pocket like some of the previously mentioned examples would, but can be certain not to discriminate and make every person you encounter comfortable during the holidays.

    While I may exclaim both 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy Holidays' to those I encounter I mean it purely as an expression. Few to no people I encounter will even make the slightest fuss over it. I believe that the thing that really needs to be examined is the attitude that is developing over the topic in general. Regardless of which of the two phrases you choose to say this December, say neither with hate, fury, or an agenda to anyone you encounter.

  • Mandie - 13 years ago

    This is Canada, we have always said Merry Christmas. I am not changing it to Happy Holiday's so I don't offend anyone. If you are offended by Merry Christmas then you shouldn't have come to Canada. I know if we were visitor's in a different country they wouldn't change what they say to please us or change their traditions for us. If she was being racist that's a totally different situation, but if it is just because she continue's to say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holiday's then I agree with her completely.

  • Luke - 13 years ago

    The whole purpose of saying Merry Christmas is to be friendly at a time of year that is in this country a holiday. If we were to move to another country and try to abolish their beliefs we would be probably imprisoned or worse. We don't say it out of disrespect we are being typical Canadians ( friendly. )

  • Mr. Doe - 13 years ago

    I agree with all of these comments, we should be allowed, by law, to have our own voice, if the video is the whole story, then it should go national (and if it's only part of the story, the Windsor Star should be severely reprimanded). If this girl was in fact using racial slurs and putting down other students, that's not ok, and she should have some punishment. And absolutely, if there are people who come to Canada, and try to impose their traditions and beliefs on us, them they should be reprimanded, and/or told to leave. Christmas is about Christ, and shouldn't be tampered with.

    The full story needs to be told, otherwise that "news" company is just another tabloid.

  • concerned - 13 years ago

    I appreciate you giving me a little more facts, it seems far fetched that anyone would be suspended on the grounds of saying Merry Christmas alone.

  • Alex Morillo - 13 years ago

    This is some bulls**t this girl should not be suspended for our beliefs that is some bull all of you who complained about this girl you should go back to where you came from i'm sorry that I sound so mean but it's true !

  • kennedy student - 13 years ago

    Its one thing to believe in Christ, and its another to harrass those who don't believe in it. Not everyone is Christian, and just because you or others may be, doesn't mean everyone is. Its the POLITE thing to do, address everyone during the holiday season. And these are her exact words copied and pasted from her facebook, I will see if I can get a picture for you guys. 'Natasha Burge: i know im dressing up as santa, walking through kennedy screaming merry christmas to the arabs, pakis, towel heads and whatever other race that doesnt like it' I would say that's a little more than expressing the words 'Merry Christmas.'

  • concerned - 13 years ago

    To the Kennedy student,
    If you have any kind of proof that this girl actually was suspended because of racial slurs and not just "being able to say Christmas in schools". I think you need to say something, perhaps call the Windsor star or have your principal tell a different side of the story. This story paints a totally different view of this young lady and if in fact she did verbally attack other ethnicities, people should know about it before they jump to stand by her.

  • Suzanne Saade - 13 years ago

    Christmas is about Christ... This is not any kind of holidays . This is CHRISTMAS.....If some people don't beleive in Christ and don't celebrate Christmas, this is their choice , this is their beleif and we respect it.. but they have to respect our beleives too...Why people are going to be offended if we are saying Merry Christmas...I don't get it ....

  • kennedy student - 13 years ago

    I know this girl, I go to this school, and I am ashamed to say she is part of our school aswell. How on earth can The Windsor Star sit here and acctually talk about what she did? What they don't tell you in this little blurb, is that not only did she make her claim on what we should say, but she also proceeded to use very racist terms towards others within our school and community such as 'towel-heads'. How is this okay? It's not, and THAT'S why she got suspended. Happy holidays is the general term to make sure that no one gets offended. You are welcome to say whichever sort of greeting you wish, but to put others down? I wouldn't say that's very 'Canadian' at all.

  • Mr Dee Mar - 13 years ago

    This should make the National

  • james jamieson - 13 years ago

    The true answer should be " WHATEVER WE WANT" freedom of speach prevails, as long as is does no harm and is mot hatefull. Perhaps this question and th video of the girls suspension should be given to the military folks who are dying to preserve our way of life.

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