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Who Do You Side With?

Total Votes: 40

  • Anthony " Animal Thug" Tatum - 12 years ago

    Tom won me over as a child when he sang " is you is or is you ain't my bay-bae". I wasn't into the other eppisodes where Tom was constantly geting beat Jerry & the dog Butch.

  • SikWit - 12 years ago

    I was usually team Tom (I accidentally picked jerry but then thought about it) because Tom was doing his job most of the time. Plus, the get back from Jerry was always on some overkill. Once Jerry found Tom's weakness, he was completely ruthless and shameless. If the owner said "don't let anyone eat this food." Jerry would be all up in there and mad when he got kicked out.

    That time he heard of the white mouse that escaped from the lab "Dooon't yoooou believe it!"
    Or when Jerry's muscled up cousin came through and beat the mess out of Tom. Then when the big dude left, Jerry put on the shirt and.... Poser. The time when Tom serenaded that girl and was about to get some tang. Woke Jerry up....true, but can a dude finish the song? Maybe he only knew one. It was already at the breakdown. What the heck does Jerry need his sleep for anyway. No job. At least Tom had a job.

    Good job on the podcast. I listen to it a lot. I'm a little broke now but I tell a lot of people about it. I don't even watch sports that much but I really like to hear about business. Can you guys explain where "Rachet" comes from? it's starting to creep into my vocab and its a pain if i have to explain it.

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