What would you most like to see on this season of Braxton Family Values?


  • Mickey - 13 years ago

    Why wasn't there an option for LESS Tamar??? The other sisters have plenty drama and issues of their own without featuring Tamar in just about every scene. Every time I see one of those intros with her on the magazine cover, I just want to scream. I can't stand her. She was barely tolerable in season 1 and she's completely intolerable now. Tamar, you don't have to scream at everyone to be heard. And seriously,where is this girl's empathy chip?? The only time she can muster up sympathy or understanding for one of her sisters is when they cry or they're in health crisis! That's not being a good sister. Really, I find her emotionally abusive to others, including her long-suffering husband. She has the maturity of a two year old-- basically, she's a spoiled brat. And I would never let a sister of mine treat me like that and I have far too much respect for my sisters to treat them like that.

    I just started watching the show not that long ago and saw Tamar's behavior and thought, well, she must be young. I was horrified to find out she was almost in her mid 30's.

    WETV, I realize she's an Executive Producer of the show, but you really are ruining the show for some of us by featuring her so much. The other sisters are far more compelling and likable. I think I'm kind of glad Tamar's getting her own show because I really want to see far less of her on this one.

  • sexyaseva - 13 years ago


  • clinton - 13 years ago

    I would like to see Traci have her own show; she is funny and not mean spirited with it. WEtv try that since you are gambling with Tamar.

  • Dee - 13 years ago

    It's time for Traci to get her shine on!! Her sisters mistreat her and I think that's just terrible. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  • Jason - 13 years ago

    The votes are in... We LOVE Traci! Oh Snap Tamar is gonna be pissed

  • Buttaflie - 13 years ago

    I enjoyed the show much more last season. This season seems more like the typical reality show - staged conflicts, the character everyone loves to hate (Tamar) and too just much drama. Last year season there were conflicts typical of any family, but I enjoyed the getting to know more about the sisters and mommy Braxton. I'm really cheering for Traci to realize her dreams! I love Toni as an artist and I think she and Keri are still super cute together!

  • Boo Simms - 13 years ago

    Didn't realize my words would be cut off, so here's a continuation from the previous post:

    ...especially at their ages. Toni is even more amazing than she appears, going through so many health problems and still staying strong for her family and fans. She truly doesn't deserve the horrible treatment she gets from her sisters because they are too selfish to put their differences aside and support her. I'm the oldest so I know you deal with a lot and put up with a lot from your siblings, but enough is enough. Put them in their place because it's not okay. I like how she told Tamar that music is her career, not Tamar's. Anyway, Toni is amazing and will always be a star. Either you have it or you don't. She's the only sister who has IT and will continue to be.

    Sixth, mom is cool. Seems like she's held on to her anger about her divorce way too long. The father moved on and so should she because at the end of the day, he wins every time she's angry. There's no way I would let my cheating husband get the last laugh. Instead, I would be happy, proving that he did not break me. I'd always get the last laugh. And there's no way my mom would threaten to slap the piss out of me if I was 35...I'd laugh. But clearly she does not play with them! Hilarious.

  • Boo Simms - 13 years ago

    I'm just waking up and of all things, this show is on my mind. It's very entertaining, but Tamar is unbearable and I've officially stopped watching. Sorry Toni, Towanda, Traci,and Trina...

    I'll start by saying, Tamar hates Maryland, and guess what, we hate ya right back! She is an embarrassment to my state. What kind of person doesn't represent their home town to the fullest? I will always represent Baltimore because that's my life! Tamar is a phony, loudmouthed spoiled brat who married money way too young. I looked up her age and I was absolutely shocked to know that she is over the age of 25. She's almost 35! What! It is inexcusable for a 35 year old woman to act that way. She's always comparing herself to Lady Gaga and Beyonce as if she will ever be on their level. She will never be a star though her swollen ego tells her otherwise. Even at Toni's big Georgia event, she went to sign autographs and had to tell the people who she was...you'd think that would have humbled her, but no...What good things can I say about Tamar...nothing other than, good job snagging the rich guy. She's a fool and has the nerve to talk down to others. If she was my sister, she'd not only get a few smacks, but I'd bring her down to reality. Her husband is cool, but I give him tons of points for dealing with her despicable behavior.

    Second, in the poll, I voted for Traci to have a salon because if that's her dream, she should seek it out. If Traci wants a salon in Md, let her have it because clearly the California salon Tamar raved about was not all that "hot"...My mother's childhood friend owns a successful salon in Baltimore and she is rolling in the dough. Why? Because no matter where you are, women will pay top dollar for their hair. Plus Md has real women, not plastic walking around. Clearly Cali is not Traci's scene. The fact that she had to sweep up hair and style hair...that's ridiculous. Every Md salon I've ever been in, they had a person for that, not the actual hair stylist. I like Traci, but she needs to stop tracing the singing pipe dream (that's never gonna happen) and be with her family in Md. I feel sad for her sometimes because Tamar treats her like crap as if her ideas don't matter. I'm rooting for Traci to have a very lucrative hair styling career!

    Third, Trina and Gabe are on national tv making a fool of themselves. Do they think Trina's teenage son will not see their exploits? Because he will and he will probably get teased in school. The girls in my school were always teased when their moms were promiscuous. I know it has nothing to do with the child, but your children suffer socially when you act up. Plus, how did she grow up...as a woman, men will stupidly do anything, so why did she have a one-sided "oral transaction"...that's disgusting and weird. I'd rather give up the goods than to do that. It's so personal and very whore-like. Get it together and stop whoring around. But other than the freakiness, I like Trina and Gabe. I'm not sure if their marriage will last though. By the way, where does Trina's accent come from? Because it's definitely not Maryland. She sounds so weird when she talks. Maybe she's trying too hard on tv or something, but I often wonder if she grew up in Minnesota or something lol.

    Fourth, Toni seems to rely on Towanda too much and I'm glad she decided to free Towanda from the responsibility. Towanda and Andre should either be together or apart because children are definitely smarter than we think...they can sense when something's not right and they should not do that to their kids. Towanda is really cool, but I don't think she'll be taken seriously as an actress. Maybe now with the show's money, her and her husband can get their own house(s) and stop mooching. Not much to say about Towanda because she's more in the middle (not too exciting) if anything. But again, I like her, she's cool.

    Fifth, Toni is a star! Period. Point blank. None of her sisters will ever be there especially at the

  • Toi - 13 years ago

    Tamar needs her sisters to beat that ass!!!! She is a stuck up bitch!!! I'm over her focus more on the other sisters. I mean so what ur man got the most money with all he got u should do better with hair & make up bitch!!! Plus ur voice is not all of that. I love the rest of ya'll Toi.)

  • LyricsRme1 - 13 years ago

    Kenzie26 - While I certainly can't speak for the other posters, I don't think it's so much people are hatin' on Tamar so much as it's, "Enough already; it's not the Tamar show". I also realize if reality shows were dull and uneventful, there'd be no viewers. I love how Vince doesn't take her crap, yet at the same time you know he loves her, he just doesn't put her on the pedastel she thinks she should be on - LOL!

  • Kenzie26 - 13 years ago

    Ya`ll quit hatin on Tamar.Do you really think a grown women would be like this in real life?NO IDIOTS!!!!!!!! She spices up her attitude for the show. See let`s go back to kindergarden it this thing called SHOWBIZ!Hello! BTW I feel sry for Trina boo let Gabe go. Word of advice.

  • Pati - 13 years ago

    I luv this show, and my favorite sister is Trina. Gabe is such an a-hole (at least that's how he's portraid on the show) I can't understand why she puts up w/it. Towanda needs to leave that lazy-ass husband of hers...he's so irritating. Tamar needs to put up or shut-up. She only has $ cause of Vince & I think if Vince really thought she had talent he would help her out w/her "album" She doesn't even know WTH she wants. He just blows her off. Traci don't know WTH she wants. Enough talk 'bout a Braxton Family album!!! Those r my opinions.

  • Tameika - 13 years ago

    I would love to see Tamar grow up because she is a mess. She need to not forget where she came from. If not for Tonino one would even know who she is besides just knowing. She is a producers wife. She is a Beyonce wanna be but ain't. As quick as she came famous she can become broke cuz things happen. Will she be flipping her hair and dot comming if she were to lose everything unexpectedly. She need a reality check very bad cuz she think she better than everybody when she put her pantries on the same way. Grow up girl please cuz you pout and whine like a little girl.

  • mmiller - 13 years ago

    When I first started to watch this show I thought TAMAR wouldhve been the sister that I like the least HOWEVER she's my favorite. After watching this show for a couple of episodes I learned to love her as well as TRINA. Dnt get me wrong everybody is entitled to their own opinion but w/o TAMAR the show would be BORING! But most importantly what I love about the show is that TONI is the superstar but she dnt try to be the main character .....I HOPE THIS SHOW NEVER ENDS CUZ THIS JUST PROVES THAT THE PEOPLE WE ADMIRE ARE NORMAL PEOPLE W/ NORMAL PROBLEMS JUST LIKE US!

  • nolasuga - 13 years ago

    Traci does not need a salon--- she knows nothing about business or hair. Maybe if she goes to school or works at a salon as she will be in a better posistion to make a major move. A Towanda option should have been on the list. For example, Towanda needs to get an apartment of her own and stop mooching off of everyone!

  • DMarie - 13 years ago

    I voted for Tamar because the byatch can sing, she's just a pain in the fckn azz~ Now, the mom does need her man, Traci does need her shop and Trina needs to decide on her own what's good for her and her family! Oh and BTW if I ever tried a chick, Toni can get it! Wow she is sexy.

  • EBurch - 13 years ago

    TAMAR is ridiculous!! My friend and I love the show, but cringe every time Tamar opens her mouth. If they did tour as the Braxton sisters, I wouldn't go to a concert just b/c of Tamar. My prediction is - if she continues with her whiny, criticizing attitude, she will lose her husband and seriously damage her family relationship within 3 years! People can only take so much!

    The tantrums and selfishness that were cute as a child are now immature and foolish as an adult. She needs to be able to take some creative, constructive criticism.

    "The wise are glad to be instructed, but babbling fools fall flat on their faces." - Proverbs 10:8

  • s brown - 13 years ago

    I really like Traci to me with her no fakeness. Toni is great to. Trina two wrongs dont make A RIGHT only know what we see on t.v. she seems a little loose to me. Her band member to me was wrong for acting that way in front of her husband and if its that bad leave Gabe its more t0 the story to me.Tamar is the diva but she do a little to much i guess she was funny the first season and so many people liked her this season she goes overboard really toooo much. IF anybody should leave their husband its Tawanda that guy needs to provide for his wife and kids. TO ME TONI HAS ALOT OF CLASS AND IS TO GROWN TO BE SO SILLY TAMAR but the show is one of best!

  • abreyania - 13 years ago

    You should leave Gabe how long has it been since you guys sleep in the same bed 4 years that embarrassing. he has cheated on you for those four years. Go while you can Trina.

  • Dr. Katrina Sanders - 13 years ago

    Trina don't leave your husband WORK IT OUT!
    Tamar do your project get 100%
    Traci get yur hair shop
    Towanda you and Andre get counseling
    Toni you will continue to be the GREATEST singer
    Ladies work and get counseling with your husband,,,trust me that there is NOTHING else out here...Mother Evelyn God has your back...I am praying for you and your strength.....you are needed....

  • Dr. Katrina Sanders - 13 years ago

    Well I have never been one to watch families....but the Braxton Family needs to share somethings certainlyu with my inlaws.....LOLOLOL....Well, Trina I lvoe her she is so beautiful and beautiful lady. I do see where the hurt is. I know about the "cheating syndrome"..I was a former cop's wife...it didn't work...now we may not know all of the stories behind the camera..however..I see that Gabe is trying,,but need a little help. to go and get counseling would help, and when you are married there are certain things that you have to be careful with especially the wolf...Other wolves see that there is a problem, they will set out to destroy your weakest part of the marital problem and cause more problems. Tamar, too funny, she kind of reminds you of that friend that speaks without knowing how it sounds when it comes out, but will stick with you, but refuses to put up with no drama. Toni, my singer yet keep her style clean still singing....Towanda, counseling is very needed Andre needs a solid relationship with a REAL MAN!! Traci...sit down and talk with hubby about what you want and would like to do, you have to make him listen to your dreams, although he is fulfilling his, you can have some to take action with too..Mother Evelyn always keeps me laughing and she is STERN and plays no games. I can see what has happened and being a Pastor's wife I have seen many women in the church especially Church of God in Christ continues to put up with the foolishness of these silly men.

  • Frances - 13 years ago

    I would like to see Tamar launch a successful career because she wants it so badly! I liked her song back in 1999. I also want to see Toni release a song as well! Toni's song will more than likely top the charts and I miss my girl! Nothing beats "Breathe Again!" I can still cry hearing that song just thinking of my heartbreak back then. I would even like to hear Toni perform that on the show!! Toni is the true songstress, but Tamar can sing too. I would like to see both release a song.

  • Alexis - 13 years ago

    Traci is my favorite one , tamar grow up you r no longer a teenager n stop being concieted give other ppl the spot light , Towanda get a real man cause the one u with is sorry, Trina work it out with ur husband cause he is a good man besides move the free loaders out toni go girl and get ur helth together also stop acting innocent cause ur not . peace

  • dontcha172 - 13 years ago

    I feel that each Braxton bring something to the table and we should not judge anyone. My mother has 5 daughters as well. So ladys and Ms. Braxton you all are doing a great job!!!

  • Tabbaitha Morris - 13 years ago

    It is amazing that Gabe is still around. He remind me of an ex I have. He is trying to prove his manhood,but to who? Himself?
    I want Gabe to know that a man is not measured by the size of his PENIS
    but by his deeds

  • Nakeya_j - 13 years ago

    First off I LOVE Tamar!!!! I do think that the editing makes her look worse than what it really is. I guess dramam sells, but I do love her!! I wish that Tawanda would get her life (in my Tamar voice) and leave that wanna be book writting man alone. Being good with the kids is not the only thing to being a good husband. And if he is not bringing any money to the table, he is a babysitter. #Truth.com . Oh and please stop acting like Tamar is soo over the top. Yall kill me with that. Your life is not perfect, as we all see. I mean, what do you want from her? To lie to you? Ugh. I think that if Traci opened her salon in a high traffic area it could work! And so I am cheering for that. Momma Braxton is cool with or without a man. A man does not define someone and she needs no help in that department!!! I wish Toni and Tamar would hurry up with the albums. Speaking of albums and music, Toni ease up on Tamar because last we heard, she was the only sister you were not paying to do wop pop pop. I still like you but yall need to quit acting like she does no good. She tells the truth in a loud way and it is looking like you other sisters don't like to hear the real deal. #Imjustsayin. Trina, Trina, Trina....girl...you can do better. Period. Gabe just seems like he wants you to be the bad guy and a joy kill. Ugh. I still like him better than Andre, at least he has a job. Ahem Andre. #TeamBraxton

  • Felicia Palmore - 13 years ago

    I would like to see less and less of Tamar. Every time she comes up on the screen, it sicken me. She's the REAL HOOD RAT in the FAMILY. I hope Vince will soon find out.

  • Jennifer Henry - 13 years ago

    I would like to see Tamar's husband walk out of her life. She makes me sick. She acts and sounds like a wining child. She too old to be acting that way.

    I would like to see Tawanda go for an acting career. I believe she can do it!

    Trini or Trina, has too much drama in her relationship. She is not in a relationship, she is involved in conflict, constently. There is constant bickering and conflict in Tamar's relationship as well. Is this something they got from their mother's relationship?

  • ab - 13 years ago

    I would never wish a divorce on anyone, however I do think that Trina and Gabe should seperate for awhile just so they can get that space and fresh air that they need, to really get over all the drama and craziness that has happen. And if its really ment to be, hopefully they would get back togeather.. Thats my take on their relationship, just my opinion. But I love the both of them togeather and I pray that they will find a way to over come it and beat the odds. :) much love to Trina and Gabe.

  • VMarie - 13 years ago

    I would like to see less of Tamar and her "i'm the greatest" attitude! I really likes this episode when her husband TRIED to put her in her place...she's so GREAT that she couldn't accept his nice way of telling her to tone it down!

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