Do you prefer gifts or gift cards as presents?


  • Grandma - 13 years ago

    Christmas is indeed commercialized. There are many gifts of life to give and receive that come free from the, honesty, and respect, spending quality time with family and friends are a few. Hearing the words "Merry Christmas" can put a smile on someones face. With the world in such an economic mess and not knowing what lies in the future, we should all take a step back in time and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

    Merry Christmas to all!!

  • Rick - 13 years ago

    Matt, I agree. I have just been asking people to give to charity rather than giving me a gift.

  • Matt - 13 years ago

    Christmas is becoming way too commercialized and the sentimental part of spending it with your loved ones is fading away. I hate the fact that we spend $3-500 a year on gifts for all the kids in our family. I'd rather leave that to their parents and take that money and donate it to a worthy charity to those in need and just have time to spend personal time and a nice Christmas dinner with friends and family!

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