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Tens of million of dollars are being spent on fixing up government buildings in St. John's. Your thoughts?

Total Votes: 2,012

  • redrantingtory - 13 years ago

    Hey why don't we just leave the Confederation building alone and let it fall into an even more delapitated state of repair. Let it fall to the ground and then spend hundreds of millions building a new one. What short sightedness. That's the same shortsightedness that got us in the hole like we are now. Previous governments have for decades wasted money on everything else and only spent the bare necessities on infrastructure and now we are paying the price to fix it all. Don't fix it now and pay more in another few years time is just another shortsighted fix. There is the problem here. Short term gain and to hell with the future. The fishery is a prime expample of this.

  • Keri - 13 years ago

    Seriously CBC, you are disappointing me more and more each day. Your reporting or lack thereof and questions are so slanted and biased, its like you are seeking to create controversy or propaganda. Its almost like reading a tabloid not a news station.

    For example the options here you give are, you are seeking to antagonize those in Rural NL, you only recognise the heritage part of the building dismissing its functional and realistic roles as places of employment, by asking for an audit you imply our gov’t books are closed or you throw a slur about the HOA. Why would you do that? What are you trying to accomplish?

    You omit relevant facts and information such as how much of the budget actually goes to this, how long since they received investment, how much has been invested in Rural NL, what buildings are actually used for and who they employ, all of which misleads the public and is an attempt to make news. I have a question I would like to poll. “In light of the positional reporting CBC has taken over the past few years, some of which may be interpreted by the public as the spreading of misinformation, propaganda and attempts to cause controversy, do you think it is appropriate for them to be funded by us the taxpayers, and at how many millions a year? Are you even permitted to act this way under CCRA?

  • D Bourdeau - 13 years ago

    Regardless of whether or not the politicians are sitting, several thousand people work in the Confederation Building every day. In spite of what many think, these are hard working, dedicated people and they deserve a workplace with windows that don't leak and walls uncontaminated by mould as much as anyone else.

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