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Who is going to Win the Upcoming Council Election of KAATC?


  • Eddy Hendrix - 13 years ago

    This forthcoming election's engineered by the people for all round development n progress socio or economic culture or tradition of every ethnicity living in this litlle paradise called Karbi Anglong.So I have faith PAPA can do just that n will do it for each n everyone pf us.May the people be with you always PAPA.The Best Of Luck.
    Regards.Eddy Hendrix

  • aldrin teron - 13 years ago

    this coming electn in rongkhang constcy papa is2 win

  • Romon Ronghang - 13 years ago

    We want development in K/A. We want K/A where there is no unemployed issues, where eligible candidates get the jobs without giving any bribe....
    And for all those PAPA have to win and will surely win. Good Luck PAPA !!

  • Lirson Ronghang - 13 years ago

    PAPA will win .....

  • lowrence terang - 13 years ago

    people of karbi anglong know PAPA will bring change to karbi anglong.. Only PAPA could implement the UPDS Accord so 70% of karbi wil vote for PAPA n 45% of non karbi also wil vote for PAPA this tym. So PAPA wil win..

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