How do you feel about the sanctions against Ohio State football?


  • scvegasman - 13 years ago

    Steve M
    How do you know Pete Carrol knew about RB,s Parents housing freebe? In any case
    the NCAA proved that "WEST COAST BIAS", is alive and well. Hell, they had a Nutre
    Lame Allumni on the board. OSU got a "slapped hand". Only SMU has ever received a
    harsher penality.

  • Miller B - 13 years ago

    As always, the ones left paying the debt, are not the ones who caused the problem. Yes the two penilties are vastly different. But the kids who are currently playing have to bare this. The coaches? Gone. The players that were guilty? Gone. The NCAA got there pound of flesh. They got to play boss and beat there chest from on high. So now all is well and the world is a big bright beautiful world. A'int it?

  • John Doe - 13 years ago

    Newton is a MICIGAN grad!!!

  • TJ Newton - 13 years ago

    The penalty should have been 5 years no bowl games and 50 scholarships over 3 years.

  • Greg - 13 years ago

    If not for being Ohio state and urban Meyer coming in as coach the penalty I feel would have been much more severe.

  • Steve M - 13 years ago

    The USC penalty probably was too severe. Their former headcoach was the one that should have been nailed. However the coward bolted for the NFL before the NCAA crap hit the fan.

  • Steve Young - 13 years ago

    Either Ohio State's penalty was way too light, or USC's was way too harsh -- the NCAA can't have it both ways. The NCAA is basically a joke: if they wanted to send a message with the penalties they handed out to USC, then they need to be consistent now and send the same message by applying the same standards to Ohio State. As it is, you know what message they sent? We play favorites, we have no set standards, and we are not fit for our job. If they were a head coach they'd be out -- any replacement NCAAs out there, anyone?

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