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Were you happy Melanie Amaro won 'The X Factor'?


  • Thresia - 11 years ago

    Josh should have won, he has the most beautifull amazing voice. Josh you are a winner good luck.

  • alyssa - 12 years ago

    i think astro was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Aidan - 12 years ago

    CHRIS RENE should have won, Melanie was the worst outta the three finalists

  • Jada - 12 years ago

    Melanie has a great voice severely lacks stage presence and performance quality. Comparing her to Beyonce, Mariah and Whitney is a joke because when those ladies come to town you want to buy their tickets. Would I buy her album yes. I wouldn't go to her concert. Chris Rene would have been the better winner because he knows how to perform and he knows how to make that connection with the audience. I wish them all the best but I'm still trippin' on Chris Rene

  • Ruthann - 12 years ago

    Melanie Amaro far surpassed her competition simply because
    She is a better talent. The many voting on this website who were opposed to her winning was opposed for the wrong reason. How could some vote for Josh K.
    When he didn't have sense enough to take the judges' advice to clean up
    His grungy unkempt appearance early on during the competition and for those of you who may say"what does his appearance have to do with anything?" The answer to that possible question is simple. If he lacks taking any professional advice during such an esteemed compettion, what in the world would you expect after he won $5 million. His voice was nice but he lacked luster and good taste. Chris Rene was the only other option if there were a toss up between he and Melanie. Stacy Francis' voice far surpassed Josh K. So as far as I'm concerned she should have been one of the top 3 to replace Josh K. Take the advice of judge Nicole, "Don't hate just congratulate!" Congratulations Melanie Amaro, you deserved it honey.

  • Laney - 12 years ago

    Josh should have won!!

  • jaslene - 12 years ago


  • vivica - 12 years ago

    We all have our favourite but its about who America chose.Thanks America you got it right.Besides with all the exposure they got all finalists will get contracts.

  • vivica - 12 years ago

    Who says Melanie doesnt have a heart?She has a big heart no question and she fears God and when I say God I mean the creator of heaven and earth.Thats all she needs.And singing Miriah or Whitney's song does not mean she was being a copycat.She is the person I connected with the most.She is young and very talented and her singing comes from within.Everytime she sang she gave it her all.She won because the majority of America voted for her and connected with her.She is the best and she will remain so.Now if you wanted someone else to win then you should have voted more.With God by her side the sky is the limit.Josh was great too but America decided.Melanie Amaro you are highly favoured and ALL THE BEST GIRL.SO HATERS DEAL WITH IT.Anyway there will always be those who disagree.

  • Brad - 12 years ago

    I agree--Melanie had the best voice, but I didn't find it to be anything unique. To be honest, I've heard street performers with better voices and raw talent. Chris and Josh had that indescribable "X Factor"--that's why they're getting signed despite not having won!

  • jean fraser - 12 years ago

    josh should have won!! he has beautiful voice. love you josh.

  • carlisle - 12 years ago

    to all you hater's Melanie was the perfect choice , I'm so glad she won. I would have been ok with Josh if he had won but CHRIS HOW DID HE MAKE IT TO THE FINALS!!!!! ASTRO WAS WAY MORE ORIGINAL THEN CHRIS RENE AND ALL YOU CHRIS FANS KNOW THAT HE DIDN'T HAVE THE VOICE HE COULD RAP A LITTLE BUT ASTRO 2 B 14 HE DOES VERY VERY WELL!!!!

  • MelanieFan - 12 years ago

    you all will eat your words when melanie's career lasts past the next 4 generations

  • Joann Cuda - 12 years ago

    Josh should have won. Without a doubt, he has the best voice.

  • Sarah - 12 years ago

    No. She has a gift as far as singing goes... you know you cannot deny her amazing voice. HOWEVER, Chris Rene was the favorite. He is outselling her on i-tunes, more facebook fans, more youtube views, etc. Chris did not have the BEST voice as many have said. BUT... his genuine spirit, humility, sincere personality, big heart, musical talent (guitar/piano/songwriting, originality) and life lessons made him the X Factor to me. It was so fun watching him enjoy sobriety and loving life. He inspired many, and I pray that he will continue to stay clean as he touches the hearts of many fans with his music and story. Lastly, I can't stop listening to his songs... so good! Singing along to them pumps me up because I know he is happier and has changed his life around! God is good! Go Chris and stay true to yourself as you put new music out!!!

  • Angela - 12 years ago

    America got it right! Melanie deserved to win since day 1! I am so happy for her!

  • Rodolfo Lopez - 12 years ago

    Chris rene merecia ter ganho , o brazil torce pelo ChrisRene !

  • luisSuarez - 12 years ago

    chris rene should have won! he had everything the X-Factor needed.

  • Garrett - 12 years ago

    Josh and Chris will get record deals and get big in there genere's!

  • laurel pitre - 12 years ago

    there are a lots of melanie amoro's but only one josh krajcik! his music is the only one i'd buy. hurry josh and get one out and don't forget to do a christmas cd. your a star!

  • abercrombie - 12 years ago

    Music from Josh is all I would buy . He did it
    for me.

  • Linda - 12 years ago

    I am disappointed that Josh didn't win. Melanie is a good singer but her voice just isn't remarkable. If I heard her on the radio I wouldn't know who it was. Josh, Drew and Rachel have distinctive voices. I'd know who they were on the radio immediately. But it really doesn't matter. The winners aren't always that successful. In the past second and third runners up on Idol went on to do greater things than did the winner. I wonder if the record company execs are as pleased with the outcome of the contest. I would buy CD's by John, Drew and Rachel - not of Melanie. That doesn't mean I don't wish her well.

  • yfhbmj - 12 years ago

    she deserved it!!!!!!!!

  • Winter Karma - 12 years ago

    I was very disappointed with the results . Melanie is just another female singer, nothing special, boring to watch, certainly not 5 million there. On the other hand, Josh and Chris are great! They both play piano, guitar and are a joy to watch on stage. Josh has an original great voice tone, and has a special charisma. Chris, when he sings, not rapp, but sings, has a soft unusual good sound to his voice, and I love the way he moves around on the stage and does an occasional soft uunh. His soft uunh's are kinda sexy. I sure hope they both have great futures!!!

  • Therese Davis - 12 years ago

    Im sorry but her voice is not a 5million . Chris has a nice voice and he out song all of them plus he wrote his on song which was the 5million.

  • Monica - 12 years ago

    Melanie is a star and we knew it from the time she auditioned. She is inspiring, humble and an amazing singer. Josh and Chris will go onto do great things too. Let's not be haters and say nasty comments about any of them. They all did very well and they all deseve well wishes in their paths to success.

  • GeminiGal - 12 years ago

    I'm really upset that Chris didn't win. Not a fan of these cheesy singing competitions, and always knew Chris was out of league of the XFactor, but rooted for him for HIS sake. In a way, I'm glad that he lost so he can get away from the overly-processed cheese and focus on his own delectables. I suspect the show is rigged, or america doesn't ever get it - the XFactor web site defines "XFactor": Originality, ability to sell records, stage presence..Mel- NOT! Chris- PERFECT! Melanie belongs on American (crappy) Idol. If all other countries could vote, Chris would win by a landslide. Chris has the magic to inspire others no matter their background. I and many others will be boycotting XFactor.

  • BLAH - 12 years ago

    Amaro is another second-rate, trying-hard Mariah/Whitney/Beyonce mediocre copycat!

    NO originality, NO charisma, NO personality, NO stage presence, NO stage performance, NO likeability factor, NO looks= ZERO X-Factor!

    She is just a plain jane, and TBH plain BORING!

    Remember the American Idol winner, the Hicks guy--well THAT is going to be Amaro...X-Factor did NOT even have the ratings that American Idol had, and Chris Rene will be the "Daughtry" of that flop X-Factor competition...HOW's THAT!

  • Kate - 12 years ago

    I loved Josh and Melanie from day one, but I really wish Josh would have won. There was no doubt in my mind Melanie would have had a very successful career; Simon would make sure of that. And her voice takes your breath away. Hopefully we will see and hear more of Josh, and a recording company will pick him up with the help of the judges. Chris was a good performer too; not the strongest singer but an excellent performer. I am just a bit disappointed it was not Josh that one.

  • DLee - 12 years ago

    Melanie had performed extremely well right from the start. There's no performer to out-stage her. America has unearthed a new talent!

  • KFTANG - 12 years ago

    Melanie deserves to win. She is no doubt the greatest singer and talent of them all. Congratulations to her!

  • Nathaniel - 12 years ago

    Lacy & Becky you 2 obviously can't sing & don't have an idea when you hear a voice like Melanie.I believe it must of been close in the votes,but the people spoke so WELL DONE Mel you deserve it.

  • Greg - 12 years ago

    I wanted Josh to win because his voice and emotions moved me the most. However, Melanie is a worthy winner.

  • miracle - 12 years ago

    i hope xfactor have another season but with alot of better people mealanie was a great singer and chris was to but i really wanted for chris to win so he wont go back to doing what he was doing but everyone was lucky that they made it that far congrats to chris mealanie and josh

    luv miracle;way to go


  • Jean - 12 years ago

    My favorite was Josh in that he is so versatile - blues, rock, contemporary - played guitar and piano, both very well. I'm hoping he will get a recording contract on his own merits. Melanie has a nice voice and really grew during the competition. I honestly could never understand how Chris made the finals; apparently he won alot of sympathy because of his prior addiction - it certainly was not because of his voice! GOOD LUCK TO BOTH MELANIE AND JOSH !!

  • miracle - 12 years ago

    i liked all of yalls but mealanie shuoldent win chris he cant sing but can rap i belive someone will pick him up along the way he should have won mealanie was my second fav. singer then josh he was my last singer but it is who it is mealanie congratulation

  • Claudette - 12 years ago

    A little sad that Melanie won, I was hoping for Josh. Everyone has an opinion and that's fine but to me it is so obvious that Josh has the better voice and deserved to win. I hope to hear more from Josh in the future.

  • Debby trad - 12 years ago

    I am so pleased, I think Melanie is amazing. Josh is great as well. As far as Chris goes he may be original but he does not have a good voice and what's with all the grunting even in White Christmas. Congratulations Melanie THE WINNER'

  • suzanne elliott - 12 years ago

    Really disappointed that Melanie won. Josh was by far the best artist, so original, did something different every week, had several standout weeks. Melanie was just a good singer, nothing special, never did anything new with any of the songs - theres a million singers like her out there. I would even have preferred Chris to win, although i personally didnt like his style of music at least he brought something different to the show. SO DISAPPOINTED. Still Im sure Josh will go on to do very well, hes a fantastic performer.

  • suzanne elliott - 12 years ago

    Really disappointed that Melanie won. Josh was by far the best artist, so original, did something different every week, had several standout weeks. Melanie was just a good singer, nothing special, never did anything new with any of the songs - theres a million singers like her out there. I would even have preferred Chris to win, although i personally didnt like his style of music at least he brought something different to the show. SO DISAPPOINTED. Still Im sure Josh will go on to do very well, hes a fantastic performer.

  • kalei - 12 years ago

    Really!? I would have expected a winner like this from american idol but xfactor!?? I followed this entire season, so bored with american idol, thought this was different.... Guess i was wrong, looks like one more show i will no longer look forward too. :(

  • Lacy - 12 years ago

    Chris should have won. I would have even been okay with Josh winning, Melanie not so much. She has a good voice, sure. But she has sounds like a million other singers... she's nothing unique. She also did nothing ever but just stand or sit there and sing, she isn't a good performer. She doesn't have the X Factor.

    Now Chris --- he sings, raps, plays the guitar and piano... and he's altogether an awesome performer, extremely multi-talented. And he prevailed in many different types of music. He is the definition of the X Factor. And even Josh is more unique than Melanie. I just don't think she has as much to offer the world as them two guys do.

  • Lee - 12 years ago

    no surprises here, Melanie deserves the prize, superstar in the making

  • Amy - 12 years ago

    there are so many melanie's in this world ... Chris should have won ! He was original and had the x factor ! ! not to say she didnt have a beautiful voice, but look around .... the melanie's of this world are a dime a dozen ... chris is one of a kind.

  • mary - 12 years ago

    The best singer won! And I'm so so happy, chris was my second best, a singer without a voice is nobody, the voice is d most important, and melanie has the voice,

  • Josie Hamada - 12 years ago

    The X factor is about something that vibrates and is different...We have plenty Melanie's type already. I was looking for that different performer and orginial that was Chris Rene maybe America is so focus on the voice that they have forgoten the performace and stage presents Sorry, Melanie has a great voice that's all. The people who will work with her will need to help with connecting which she doesn't have....
    But America voted we'll all have to live with it.

  • Becky - 12 years ago

    I've disliked Melanie from the beginning. She has NO TALENT and has an awful voice! Josh should have won... now there's someone with raw talent. Or Chris should have won. He prevailed through so much, and lived to tell about it. Either way, Melanie should not have won, end of story.

  • Becky - 12 years ago

    I've disliked Melanie from the beginning. She has NO TALENT and has an awful voice! Josh should have won... now there's someone with raw talent. Or Chris should have won. He prevailed through so much, and lived to tell about it. Either way, Melanie should not have won, end of story.

  • Becky - 12 years ago

    I've disliked Melanie from the beginning. She has NO TALENT and has an awful voice! Josh should have won... now there's someone with raw talent. Or Chris should have won. He prevailed through so much, and lived to tell about it. Either way, Melanie should not have won, end of story.

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