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Which of these priorities for the state Legislature is most important to you?

Total Votes: 269
1 Comment

  • Jim Culyer - 13 years ago

    I thought your "Dear Albany" article/discussion was GREAT. To set priorities I feel that as a taxpayer, my taxes come from three areas: County (10%); City (20%) and School District (60-70%); therefore where I would feel the biggest relief would be areas that affect local School Budgets. With that in mind, Salaries and Benefits normally make up approximately 80% of a districts annual expenditures. Keeping that in mind, my number one priority would be Meaningful pension reform. Number two would be to Deliver on mandate reform. Number three would be the economic and job growth; followed by flood mitigation. Prescription-drug abuse and reforming medicaid are closely tied together as is roadwork oversight reform and finalizing a plan to replace the Tappen Zee Bridge, but only if it included light rail or express bus travel from the get go. As we all know, if it's not there from the start, it won't be there in the end when we need it most. Finally as we look at the need for School Building repair/replacement/upgrading; include incentatives for "Green Initiatives" solar/wind/ geo thermal that will benefit us all for many years to come.

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