Rate your Kobo customer service experience


  • Phoebe - 8 years ago

    I have now gone through 2 Kobo's in 4 years because they just stop working. My most recent one, the Glo, when I turned it on the top half of the kobo just has black bars going across the screen, now rendering it unusable as you cannot read the text. When I contacted customer support, they refused to help me until I provided proof of purchase, which I do not have as it was a birthday gift. Thanks for nothing Kobo, you will never get another penny from me.

  • JB - 10 years ago

    After countless hours on the phone to Kobo "Help" desk, I am ready to return my Kobo Arc. We unable to open books downloaded from our local library, and any attempt to find a solution have been a waste of time. Not only to these people have no idea of how a Kobo should work, but all have had a problem with English (definitely not their first language). As a last resort, I took the Kobo e-reader to a local library - two employees at the library worked with me for over three hours, with no results - they finally suggested I return the e-reader and go back to using my Sony.

  • Jeff - 10 years ago

    Nov, 2014: Kobo service still appalling, abysmal, hopeless. My recommendation - NEVER LOG ON TO THEIR SITE. Last March I paid for a book, but the download produced a different book. Every request I have sent has been not read properly and their response has been tupid - the latest now says - this has been going for more than 90 days so no refund.

  • AH - 10 years ago

    Just discovered my Kobo Arc USB port has pulled away and unable to connect to cord to recharge. Called customer service and had a horrible experience. The rep actually tried to tell me the device fell....I didn't mention anything about how the port became damaged. It simply just pulled away and is no longer usable. Of course I am past warranty, too bad the experience was so bad, I may have considered buying a new one. Definitely NOT going to buy another Kobo....very disappointed.

  • James F - 10 years ago

    For those who have had a terrible customer experience like I have, I encourage you to contact directly the Executive VP for the customer experience at Kobo Canada HQ, Alan Macnevin. Here are all of his particulars as per Kobo's website. Note the phone number to call below:

    Mr. Alan MacNevin serves as Chief Revenue Officer and Executive Vice President at Kobo Inc. Mr. MacNevin is responsible for driving revenue and customer acquisition by harnessing innovation and strengthening customer relationships. He has unparalleled knowledge about Kobo’s customers, and focuses on the full lifecycle of the customer relationship from acquisition to retention. In his role, he oversees content sales and customer value optimization, marketing, customer care, and business development. Prior to joining Kobo, he held marketing positions at Chapters Online, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), and Bell Mobility. Most recently, he served on the executive team at Sirius Satellite Radio as Vice President, CRM, where he was also a founding member of the management team for the Canadian organization.

    Corporate Headquarters
    135 Liberty Street
    Toronto, Ontario M6K 1A7


    Phone: 416-977-8737
    Fax: 416-977-2889

  • Grahame - 10 years ago

    Failed to deliver 2 ebooks and when I contacted customer service they said there was no record of purchase despite charging my credit card. I am in the process of chasing them for reimbursement and will now only use Kindle who delivered first time on my purchases..

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