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Do you want Jane & Billy to hook up on "Jane By Design?"


  • sexychica - 12 years ago

    Billy and Jane should really end up together! For one, it's obvious Billy's in love with her anyway. For another, they look really cute together! But also i like Eli!(:

  • Andrea Lara - 12 years ago

    I think they should so get together!!They would look amazing!And plus they never really fight so that usually means they would be a cute couple!!Jilly all the way!

  • laura - 12 years ago

    They should be together. Billy and Jane look so cute together!

  • Amaria - 12 years ago

    I jusz rlly wanna see them get together nd if they do I hope they stay together nd itll be nice if they can atleast kiss nd billy is rlly blazen omq I love him so much hes ma bf but ya inthe show jane is the one for him lulu is a freakin hoe nd billy nd jane jusz have so much chemistry they know alot about echother nd it wouldnt be bad if they got together soon cause they already know echother rlly well but ya put them together billy nd jane r the reasons I watch the show cause I have this feeling in my heart they belong to gether ppl jusz put them together ima be praying so much cnt wait for some good chemistry nd oh nick nd lulu r perfect together becuzz there both poppular nd exspect to get everything they want thts how everyone shouldve got matched from the start

  • Kari Song - 12 years ago

    I think Billy and Jane should be together they fit so good together and Billy is so hot and he does not look good with Lulu

  • aly rose - 12 years ago

    I think they should definately get together! however, i think the writers should wait till like the 2nd season at least so that we get to see more of the full extent of their friendship before going all lovey dovey. but im just dying to see them hook up!!!1

  • Schenni - 12 years ago

    In my opinion friendship is the true base of love, so their friendship wouldn't be ruined by a relationship. And luckily they have crazy chemistry as well, so I really want them to get together. They truly deserve each other! :D

  • alyssa drusko - 12 years ago

    they would be so perfect together i hope they do gey together and for the other 11% u people dont know what you are talking about!!

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