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How important are user reviews in your Amazon buying decisions?

Total Votes: 200

  • beckie huckaby - 13 years ago

    I find it more helpful to read the reviews. i will make a decision based on the reviews. So
    metimes the poor reviews are petty and bias but usually if i find several that make sense
    I wont buy the book. Complaints about editing errors are not a big deal to me but a poorly written story line will make me rethink a purchase. Price will turn me away when the reviews are poor and the price is high. I love all kinds stories and will try a new writer just to see what they offer. thats the joy of owning a kindle. I can do that. I love my kindle

  • Jen White - 13 years ago

    I always check to see if someone is reviewing the paperback edition vs. the Kindle edition. Often these reviews are both listed on the Kindle page but provide quite a bit of difference in content and accuracy. I also find that reviewers often give me the type of information I want that is not included in the publisher's review!

  • Jude - 13 years ago

    I agree with you on reviews. If for instance I am purchasing a book, I read both the 5 star reviews (if any) as well as the 1-2 stars . I look to see how many pages are in the book, how large the file and often read reviews on other books the author has written. Price is always important but I don't buy books based on getting a bargain. There are far too many books out there that are poorly written and I don't want to waste my time on them. Genre is very important to me. Not a fan of science fiction. If the item is an electronic device I compare similar products , check with friends if the item is very expensive but I never buy without lots of research including sites like CNet, Engadget, Forbes and ZDNet . I rarely buy version 1 of anything however I did buy the Kindle Fire because I read quite a few reviews that were positive. I expect the Fire to improve over time but I am not disappointed in the product. I read mostly on a kindle with keyboard. One last thing, I have my favourite bloggers and authors. You are one for sure. Learned lots from you Bufo. You may be interested to know that I am a senior who's first computer was an Atari. Bought it because it had a weaving program that I had to have and now I own a wonderful MacBook Air and ready for whatever new device comes along.

  • jennifer cline - 13 years ago

    i agree with your view on reviews.i also do not blindly take them as gospel.i love that Amazon has that available.i feel bad that i have not rreturned the favor and given some reviews on purchased items..well there is always next time.

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