What are legitimate reasons to give something a lower review?


  • angie Gifford - 13 years ago

    Pricing for a book, especially an ebook, is not a reason for a lower review as it really depends on how much you will pay for the experience, rather like tickets to sporting or theatrical events. However, price is a legitimate concern when buying products such as toasters or umbrellas. Your poll didn't seem to distinguish.

  • Bufo Calvin - 13 years ago

    Great point! I'm not suggesting that the review system needs to be changed by Amazon...it's always a matter of priorities. They do remove some reviews...but they don't judge if, for example, a pricing criterion for a low review is legitimate.

  • Clint Bradford - 13 years ago

    This looks like the "meat" of the matter: people using a "review" process for wrong reasons. I believe it was Stephen King's "11-22-63" that I saw a LOT of "negative reviews." But those "reviews" had nothing to do with the content of the book. They were "pricing" issue, and/or Kindle availability issues. BUT - If "cleaning up" Amazon's ratings service means taking fine folks off their customer service phone lines, well ... (grin)

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