Well as a Carpenter and Joiner I feel that the day I say that I know everything is the day I should retire or find another job! I learn EVERY day no matter what type of work I do, wether it be fencing or building built-in storage to making a piece of furniture for myself or for a customer..
Jim - 13 years ago
In my opinion no wall is perfect so don't go for perfection in carpentry. In building furniture, that's where perfection comes into place.
Well as a Carpenter and Joiner I feel that the day I say that I know everything is the day I should retire or find another job! I learn EVERY day no matter what type of work I do, wether it be fencing or building built-in storage to making a piece of furniture for myself or for a customer..
In my opinion no wall is perfect so don't go for perfection in carpentry. In building furniture, that's where perfection comes into place.