Is Tim Lincecum worth $21.5 million?


  • Pete of SoCal - 13 years ago

    i think the Giants front office offer is far. have we forgotton he lost both games to Kershaw when the two meet last year?

  • Robert - 13 years ago

    We all love a good baseball game, and will travel to see a good team play. However on reflection, I'm not entirely certain that any sports figure should receive a salary that is an annual figure that probably exceeds the salary of a normal citizen of this country's entire life time earnings. I recall when Frank Mahovilick with the Toronto hockey team received a one million dollar salary in his negotiations. That was the highest of any NHL player at that time. Today's sport figures have basterdized the concept of a sportmanship team player, causing the youth of today to want to emulate them, simply to cash in on a cash cow. How disappointing!

  • Robert - 13 years ago

    Lincecum is absolutely worth the money. His lifetime ERA is well under 3.00. Imagine what his win-loss record would be if he had had run support all these years. Even without that support, he has won 2 Cy Youngs. He rarely misses a start. He's one of the top 3 pitchers in baseball. If they lock up both him and Cain, there is no limit to where they can go.

  • hitman - 13 years ago

    Looks like mostly ignorant Gnat people liking the $$$ for Linscum!! Wait until he falls on his face this year. Let us hear the whining then! Heh,heh,heh!

  • Tino - 13 years ago

    For a successful MLB team, in the long run $4 million and change is not much. Lincecum has proven himself and it would be a gesture of willingness to cut a longterm deal. As for baseball players and other athletes making too much money, sports are big business and if that kind of money is in a market, it's only fair the talent gets as fair a share as the suits.

  • TJ - 13 years ago

    Pay Timmy the money! He's worth it. He's a back-to-back Cy Young Award winner, a major contributor to the Giants winning the World Series -- he's the reason why I've come back to watch baseball. He's the face of the Giants, the franchise, Big Time Timmy Jim, The Freak!

  • bobby - 13 years ago

    He probably would have signed at 17 mil if they would have picked up more offesne in the offseason, its got to be frustrating losing so many close games because the team cant hit.

  • gil alvarado - 13 years ago

    He gets results, he always has...!!!

  • rafael rosario - 13 years ago

    I think he well deserve that money cause.
    there're a lot of guys making more money than ...him and pitching worse

  • Morgan - 13 years ago

    Of course, pay him the $$ and let's not make make the mistake of him being a threat towards SF in 2013. Itwill be worth it.

  • ron - 13 years ago

    no body is worth 21 million dollars! id like to see howmany of these guys would play ball for $25/hr useless creatures

  • jim - 13 years ago

    if puhols is worth what the angles paid him then , then tim is worth 21.5.........however i agree with jack that they are all way way over paid. if the owners weren't so desperate for a ring and not pay those salaries maybe more americans could afford to go see the's shameful the price of tickets and concessions.

  • jknox - 13 years ago

    Short term = more $ per year/ long term= less $ per year (but still much too much). Think in terms of the price of a K Cup of Starbucks (short term) compared to the price per cup of that big bag you get from Costco (long term). Short term: quick, easy and expensive/ Long term: still over-priced and committed to grind it out yourself! Starbucks is still considered Seattle's best. Pay the money till all the K Cups are used... then find a fresh, new bag!

  • Rick - 13 years ago

    He, not Barry Bonds, not Barry Zito, has been the face of the franchise. He's already won two Cy Young awards. Pay him.

  • Jack - 13 years ago

    No baseball player is worth the money they are paid. The are men playing a kids game. People need to make a reality check now and then.

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