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Should new LGBT-friendly places like Hamburger Mary's locate within The Grove 'Gayborhood' or anywhere? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 135

  • Walter - 13 years ago

    Midtown seems pretty gay friendly to me. As home of the theater district and its proximity to the CWE, Downtown and the near south-side, this seems a perfect fit.

  • Amit - 13 years ago

    I totally agree with Mark. I work at the close by Wells Fargo Advisors Buiding and welcome new restaurant in this location. The more the better as it it making the area more lively.

  • Mark Wegmann - 13 years ago

    Hamburger Mary's is a great addition to Midtown Alley and we are very happy to have them. It also needs to be clear that the developers of Midtown Alley (me included) also want the Grove to continue having their successes.

    These two city neighborhoods are helping bring people into our great city and we certainly don't need to pit one against the other.

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