In your view, the state of the union is:


  • Food Stamp President - 12 years ago

    The economy wont get better until this totally inept imposter is kicked out of the white house.

  • Joe the Fat - 12 years ago

    Things are bad and getting worse. Every action by King Putt is designed to make this country weaker. Obama is not a nice guy and he does not have the best interests of the nation in his heart.

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    State of Union is awful- at its all time worse- we are economically and morally bankrupt. BTW, funny how lohud lets you post here w/o a FB account. Hows's that working for you. No body commnets and nobody reads lohud anymore. Its also part of the reason why State of Union is awful- Main stream media like Gannett wanted to gag free speech. Horrendous

  • Ronald W. Nixon - 12 years ago

    This Jimmy Carter wannabe has to go. He and Congress have no idea what the American public needs, and they try to put through garbage legislation that nobody wants (Obamacare), rewards his cronies, and is destabilizing the Middle East.

  • Bill Rich - 12 years ago

    President Food Stamps needs to be removed from office. How dare he cancel the Pipeline or prevent drilling in the Gulf!

  • liblieexposer - 12 years ago

    Does the phrase "Hell in a handbasket" ring a bell?

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