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Would you welcome the death of Microsoft Points in favour of real money transactions?

Total Votes: 1,446

  • VBM - 13 years ago

    With MS points, there's no sales tax... You can goto a big box store, ie. BJ's, Wal-Mart, Costco, etc., and get, let's say 1600MSP for $17 instead of $20 plus tax at Gamestop or Best Buy. All Microsoft needs to do is allow the ability to add money in 80MSP ($1) increments.

  • jag - 13 years ago

    as a user of MS POINTS on box 360 for the last 3 years i see no issues with it same as people who i play games with

    Like other companys you prefer it to be money so you can add VAT and other costs on top just so corporate companys can benefit and be greedy like alll those who sit on there rear ends and dont work because they get money else where

    WHY cant things be left as they are. those who dont agree possibly dont use MS POINTS either they dont want to or are Playstation 3 users

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