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Do you think Sudbury should regulate store hours? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 722

  • Change is Good - 13 years ago

    Okay "tamazon" not sure where you get your getting your facts from but all shift workers do not make 40,000 to 100,000 per hour. There are many shift positions that work around the clock or late hours and get paid a similar wage to retail workers. Many low paying shift positions are not essential services. Here are a few examples:
    -Taxi Drivers
    -Hotel Employees
    -Security Gaurds
    -Delivery Drivers
    -Switchboard Operators
    -Fast Food Worker
    -Stock Person

    One thing I really don't understand about those who complain they work in retail is the constant whining about the postion, money earned and hours of work. It goes for any working individual...If you don't like your job QUIT!! There are many opportunities out there all you have to do is make the effort to look for another job! Also if store hours to become deregulated and you do not want to work late or overnight, then don't. Find somewhere else to work where the hours are more ideal for you. We all have a choice!
    Also, just so you are aware the Ministry of Labour does not put restrictions on the timing of an employees shift. So if your retail employer scheduled you to work an overnight shift to help with stocking or other duties they can do so as long as you don't have a written hours of work agreement or employment contract.

    The issue is not about 24 hour shopping, its allowing the business to choose. If a person owns a business or leases a property they should have the right to make their own decisions when it comes to the operation of the business.

    If there is no need for twenty four hour shopping why is Sudbury one of the only cities that does not allow it? It is quite clear that the majority of Sudbury residents want it!

    When the store hours are deregulated (it WILL happen eventually), I'm sure all of you anti-deregulation folk will be in line at some point or another shopping at some "ridicules" hour for whatever reason. Just like I see all of the people that were against Sunday shopping 10 years ago pushing their cart through the stores.

  • tamazon - 13 years ago

    Even the lowly minions who work retail and service deserve some family time, eh? Oh, family time - an era long forgotten by consumerism! Way to go Capital!! Sudbury isn't 'backwards' - we are actually Progressive!

    Sheep follow the masses - and Sudbury is resisting the herd. The herd that tells us consumerism is an ESSENTIAL service - like healthcare, roads, and police. And should be accessible 24/7. If it is an Essential service - then retail staff should earn a competitive wage - comparable to other Essential service staff - nurses, road crews, police.

    And the shift workers say "well we have to do it - so should you". Shift workers earn 4o to 100 thousand a year.

    Retail staff earn about $20,000 a year - working full time, full year.

    So a whole bunch of "Haves" want the "Have Nots" to work graveyards and holidays - so they can SHOP!!!!

  • Dorothy Heaslip - 13 years ago

    I am for deregulating store hours. Even if a business doesn't choose to exercise it's ability to open any later or earlier it should be up to the business owner. Business's in Sudbury pay an observed amount of tax, and overhead is huge, why should a City by-law be telling them when they can operate and how much money they can potentially bring in?
    I think the idea of having this debate go on a ballot to be voted on is a huge waste of time and money, citizens of this city elect councillors to be their voice and make decisions that represent the majority of the citizens. The councillors already know this is what their constituents want, we as the people do not have to vote on every little issue that comes up. The Mayor was elected on a platform that included the slogan "Sudbury, open for business" it was no secret that she planned to attempt to get-rid of this regulated store hour by-law, obviously the majority of the residents of Sudbury were in favor of this or she would not have been voted in. Stop dragging your feet and wasting time and money. Store hours shouldn't be Councillors business anyway.

  • Charlotte - 13 years ago

    Denise, Denise, Denise....Most of us City Workers work 12 hr shifts, around the clock, 7 graveyards in a row and/or 7 days in a row and/or 5 days afternoons, seven stat days, out of 11 a year. My oh my, where do you get your information?

  • ProDeregulation - 13 years ago

    To all you retail workers that feel so strongly about regulated store hours...What is this BS about "spending time with family?". Do you think that the rest of us who work on a 24 hour schedule don't love our family and want to spend time with them? We not only work days, nights, evenings and weekends...We work holidays,...ALL holidays such as Christmas, New Years, Boxing Day, FAMILY day. Do you hear us complaining?????? NO! Does it break my heart every time I have to tell my family I can't make it to a holiday supper? Of course it does, but you do what you have to do! I love my job and although the hours are not always ideal. We work to provide for our family, our time off with our family is very valuable. Because of the shopping hours we have to cut into family time to go shopping but if we didn't have regulated store hours we could actually spend more quality time with our famillies. And let me get something straight...When I say shopping I am not talking about wasting money on items I don't need. I am talking about necessities such as food, personal care items, medication etc.

    The comment "Most retail workers went to or are in school currently for something else entirely" holds true value RetailRobot...But your missing the point entirely. The nurse you mentioned will be working shift work in the future! So he/she will be the one that need deregulated store hours! And if they are a student working full time and going to school full time when do they do their shopping? Or spend time with their family? Why don't you care about their well being?

    As time has changed since these bi-laws became into effect we need to revisit this issue, look at our lifestyles and adapt the old ways of doing things in order to accommodate. We all need to think of others rather than ourselves. Our city needs to be accomodating to those that choose to live, work and shop here. We need to start moving forward rather than backwards. Stay strong as a community, fight for what we believe in and make a difference. Believe and trust in our Mayor and support her decisions rather than retaliate. She only wants the best for our city, don't you?

  • NewToSudbury - 13 years ago

    I moved to Sudbury a few years ago and was SHOCKED to learn that store hours are regulated. I was working shift work and my wife just had a new baby. With no family or friends in a new town, I had to time my shopping so that we didn't run out of necessities for the baby. Due to complication with the birth my wife was unable to run out for simple things like diapers, baby forumla or even food. I had to get these things on my way home for work. If my shift finished after stores were closed, too bad.

    Council could strike this down without a referendum in a heart beat. Dupuis and the other councillors voted against opening this up for debate at council last year when our New Mayor brought it up. Now that its been voted down they can't reopen it again until next council. Dupuis is being disingenuous by putting this forward now. He just doesn't want to take any responsibility for what he knows the majority want.

  • ProDeregulation - 13 years ago

    Welcome to the 21st Century! When these bi-laws came into place we were primarily a Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm workforce. At that time regulated store hours were just as ideal as the hours that most working people had. Well now times have changed, our city is run on industries that work on a 24 hour shift schedule. We need to adapt the store hours to reflect the needs of the working population. If you work in retail and don’t want to work extra hours because you want to spend time with your family…find another job. Find your ideal Monday to Friday 9-5 job…Good Luck!! If you hate your job because you have to be “treated like crap by customers”, find another job! The customer is probably treating you like crap because you look miserable and don’t want to be at work in the first name. SMILE and be thankful you are employed. I digress…

    When I first moved to Sudbury, I was a full time college student with a full time job. I worked evenings (3-11pm) and nights (11pm-7am). I went to school five days a week and worked 5 days a week. The way my schedules coincided with each other did not leave me the opportunity to shop within the regulated store hours. When I say shop I am not talking about hanging out at the mall buying shoes, I mean shop for necessities such as FOOD. Many times I remember stopping at the gas station on my way home from work to pay outrageous prices for milk and microwave dinners as that was all that was available. How many other people have to live like this? Other students perhaps? Or maybe some of the thousands of people who work in 24 hour industries. The miners, doctors, nurses, personal support workers, taxi drivers, hotel employees, police, fire fighters, paramedics, or maybe the single mother with two jobs.

    If store hours are deregulated it doesn’t mean every store will stay open 24 hours. Business owners will have the choice to choose their hours. Shouldn’t a business owner be able to conduct THEIR business they way they want to? Consumers will also have a choice, to shop or not to shop. If you have your perfect 9-5 job or have the luxury of being retired or not having to work, then stay home after 9pm! And for all of you that are really against it, I give you a challenge…Go to Walmart (in the south end) at 7am or 10pm, take a look at those shopping. You will be surprised at the amount of people who either just finished work or are on their way to work. Ask them why they are shopping so early or late, you will probably be told it’s because it is the only time their schedule will allow.

    Look at the poll, its pretty clear that there is a need to deregulate store hours in Sudbury. One day the councilors will open their eyes and ears and maybe listen to the residents for once. If we want to attract move people and business into our wonderful city, lets start to think like a BIG city.

  • ExtendHours - 13 years ago

    We are not forcing everyone to shop 24hrs and we are not forcing every business to stay open 24hrs. When the city deregulated closing times during the week from 8:00p.m. to 10:00p.m, how many businesses are open til 10:00p.m.

    Home Depot
    Canadian Tire (9:00)

    Everyone else closes at either 8:00p.m. or 9:00p.m.
    And the stores above are the only ones who open earlier now as well. If you run a small business and your scared of Wal-Mart. Then maybe its time to close shop, because you don't know how to compete in the marketplace. If Wal-Mart can come from small town's in the Red Hills competing with the likes of K-Mart and Woolworths, then maybe they found a Niche in the market and expanded on it.

    And the thing about your family. You should take a look at the average hours of retail workers. They usually work less than 40hrs a week, which gives them more time then myself (who works 55hrs a week on shift work). I would prefer to grocery shop at 11:00 at night and pick up drugs for my asthma attack (which happen frequently at 1:00a.m.) at the time it happens.

    Its time for Sudbury and the NIMB's of this city to get a swift kick in the behind, and wake up to a globalized marketplace which runs 24hours a day 7 days a week.

  • ProWork - 13 years ago

    RetailRobot I'm guessing is someone who either does not work, never had to work while in College (if they went), has never worked shift work and still believes that Canada runs on one type of system and beliefs.

  • ProWork - 13 years ago

    For everyone out there who thinks that the retail hours should staty the same should read the rest of this post.

    1 - My grandmother was one of the people behind the group who tried to keep council from passing law in the 90's to shop on Sunday. Of course we won that battle and can now shop on Sunday's in Sudbury. Now who are the #1 customers of sunday shopping Sudbury. Elderly couples who go out after Chruch. Yes the same people who were against sunday shopping are now the #1 customers of sunday shopping. Seems odd considering that they fought so that no one had to work that day.

    2 - People like to say that you need to spend time with your family on holidays and weekends. Well what about the Doctors, Nurses, Gas Station Attendants and Drug Store workers who spend every holiday serving you when you are spending your time with your family. I think if you don't want to shop more, then the city should shut down every holiday. If your dying, go somewhere else, since we are a city were nothing should be open.

    3 - This is the most important thing to remember. Next time you think that no one shops after 9:00 during the week, then think about the thousands of workers who are working til 9:00p.m. serving you and building your products that you want. Now if you are in school 8 hours a day, and you work 6 hours a night and work on weekends, how do you get groceries. Well for you complainers out there you have a car. Well when I was in school I did not have a car. I was forced to spend half of one weeks paycheque on a cab to get me to and from the grocery store in between schoold and work to get my groceries. Then I would have to rush out of work just before 11:00p.m. to ensure I would catch the last bust home, or pay the ultimate price and have to walk 12kms home.

    4 - Now why do we need 24hour shopping in this city. Well lets stop and think about this. Two of Sudbury's three main employers run 24hrs (the mines and the hospital). How do these people get any shopping done. They have to give up sleep or their time with their family to get things. Now I don' t know if you RetailRobot know that people who do not sleep enough are more of a danger on the road and at higher risk to health problems. And the people who give up their days off to do shopping are now under more stress to get their things done.

    5 - De-regulating store hours is not about putting more people to work for longer hours. It's not about making people sacrifice thier free time for your convience. It's about creating better health for half the population who work shift work. If you don't believe me then ask the CEO of Sobey's about what is their busiest shopping hour nationwide. It's 2:00a.m. And why is it 2:00a.m., its because of shift workers, cab drivers, bus drivers, pilots, doctors, nurses and people leaving the bar. People in this position are more likely to shop before they go to bed. Just like you naysayers, shift workers like to get things done before bed.

    If you don't agree with me, then thats ok. But when the rest of Canada is able to survive and flourish more because of the fact that they don't have regulated store hours, then maybe its time to join them.

    If North Bay and Parry Sound can survive with a 24hr grocery store, then why can't we.

    I think everyone who disaggree's with the deregulation of the store hours should be hurt somehow on a Sunday at 5:00p.m. and then made to wait until 8:00a.m. the next day to get the drugs they need to feel better. Because they said no, they should be the ones to suffer.

    For my last quote "No one has a gun to your head telling you to shop at 2:00a.m., this is Canada we have a choice"

  • RetailRobot - 13 years ago

    Cathy K., I don't know about retail workers? I've been one for 15 years. Part time cash, full time manager, all points in between. Sudbury and Toronto.

    Thanks for proving my point. Ask an associate what they went to school for sometime. Ask them how often they get to spend time with their family...even their kids.

  • cathy kankaine - 13 years ago

    i meant post no.2.

  • cathy kankainen - 13 years ago

    thats a good one from dupuis,he did'nt care about the constituents when he named that park.anyways,deregulate the stores,for petes sakes.we are the only town in the north with this stupid no.1,you don't know the first thing about retailworkers.what a bunch of bunkum you wrote.

  • RetailRobot - 13 years ago

    Open all stores 2s/7/365. Retail workers are undeserving of family time and holidays, they all chose to work the lowest-paying jobs imaginable because they're too stupid and lazy to go to school for anything else, and they enjoy not seeing even their spouses that they live with for weeks on end because they understand that the best use of their time is to be treated like crap by customers.

    ...Or so our mayor and a large number of Sudburians seem to believe. Why should retail workers not be entitled to family time, and/or time to themselves? Most retail workers went to or are in school currently for something else entirely. That cashier you called an idiot this morning will be your nurse next year. Those associates you're demanding work holidays and overnights so your smug butt can shop for things you don't need, went to teachers college and are just waiting for a job to open up so they can teach your children. Leave store hours as they are. Mayor Matichuk, council, and Sudburians in general need to change their perception.

  • denise hrenchuk - 13 years ago

    I think that store hours are fine. Were open seven days a week,we don't spend enough time with our families,to extend hours is ridiculous.I believe that if that was to happen than the city should have extended hours also and maybe work on the weekends like the majority of us.

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