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How do you feel about there being no BlizzCon in 2012?

Total Votes: 617

  • Two cents - 12 years ago

    Dose not come as a surprise really. What with the debarkle of last year.

    The release of MOP video was met with tumbleweeds and WTF it looked like a 1/2 done assignment worked on the night before.

    The absolutely disgusting behavior of a D grade metal band.
    Cr@p grinder systematically isolated and then promptly abused 1/2 the player base of WOW.
    Blizzards then failure to even apologize for said pathetic performance makes it worse.
    (note the behavior was a direct violation of Blizzards' code of conduct.)

    The Q&A? any question about MOP was met with "yea its still work in progress
    but it will be out real soon, trust us."

    The only exceptable excuse is we stuffed it up royally and wont do that again for a while
    the BS about being too busy or it costing them money is a farce.
    They generated over 10 million in ticket sales. If you cant hire an event coordinator
    to organize such an event with that kind of budget then maybe you shouldn't.

  • Will - 12 years ago

    It would make sense if all the games they say they need the time to work on came out in the upcoming year. But since Blizz is not going to release three new 3 new games in the next year I think they can afford to spend some time and put on Blizzcon.

  • BlindLinus - 12 years ago

    I think it has to do with a lot of things. Jack and Lady G are definitely right. Jobee, you might be right, but think of all the publicity they get, the merch they sell and the live feeds that they (most likely) see revenue from. I also think they're probably doing their best to counteract SW:TOR, using the usual Blizzard principle: find what you can obfuscate fro the game every likes to keep more people satisfied with their game. I wouldn't be surprised to see them do so mock-ups of the TOR PvP modes.

  • Jack - 12 years ago

    They probably don't want to be eaten by the Diablo 3 fans who thought that Diablo 3 was coming out soon...

  • Jobee - 12 years ago

    Blizzcon doesn't make them any decent revenue, it just takes up resources and time. Considering they 're working on both MoP AND D3, they prolly just decided their hands were too full with work to stop and throw this party that they've generously done in the past.

  • Lady G - 12 years ago

    I think it may have something to do with the less than professional attitude some of the guys at Blizzard had last Blizzcon, with all the Samwise/homophobic thing and that lady getting assaulted just for wearing an Alliance shirt.

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