Should Parliament reintroduce a bill to protect transgender Canadians?


  • ACommontator - 13 years ago

    Why on earth should *anyone* need permission to live their lives as they see fit?

  • Sandra - 13 years ago

    What, this airline should require a note from someone's doctor to board? Shouldn't Canada be protecting everyone's rights already including transexuals? Discrimination against anyone should be enforced.

  • Aurora - 13 years ago

    Though some people would probably bring up the idea of a 'threat to national security' with images of people with malintent dressed up as the opposite gender in order to get through security or customs by virtue of 'not being able to be discriminated against,' there is still little likelihood that they can bring weapons through with them and are thus only as harmful as any one of us is or could be. This does not create security for Canadians, it only diminishes and oppresses the lives of trans people. It can and should be changed.

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