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How much physical activity do you get each day?

Total Votes: 14,270

  • Juliana - 12 years ago

    What a wonderful presentation! I always knew walking was very healthy for a body, and I intend to do it every day. Thank you.

  • Marie - 13 years ago

    Thank-you for your wonderful work!

  • Noel McGran - 13 years ago

    The BEST way to lose the weight is to stop eating wheat! After reading "Wheat Belly" by Dr William Davis, my wife and I have lost 40 lbs between us in less than a month, and all we did was stop eating wheat, or anything that had wheat in it. My wife has gone from being diabetic, to having no blood sugar problems at all, requiring no insulin. A myriad of "aches and pains" that we had been experiencing have all disappeared.

    The development of the current strains of wheat, which appear to have been modified to be addictive and actually increase your hunger levels, coincide directly with the increase of obesity, diabetes and heart disease in North America.

  • margaret - 13 years ago

    excellent advice.......I've always pushed myself to keep moving....some times more
    difficut then others....but it hasbeen very rewarding

  • D K Sudhindra - 13 years ago

    simple & exceptional presentation. people must realise how their grandfathers livedfor so long? because there was no technology intrusion as we have today & which makes us lazy.
    excersise your mind & body very outstanding advice indeed. may many more people watch this presentation

  • Hubert J Hall - 13 years ago

    Excellent video, I am back to my walking again, thanks DOC.

  • Hubert J Hall - 13 years ago

    Excellent video, I am back to my walking again, thanks DOC.

  • Avi - 13 years ago

    Beautiful article,
    very articulately narrated.
    Thank you for sharing.
    8th Feb 2012.

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