Should The Price is Right continue to offer trips to the Calgary Stampede?


  • Natasha - 12 years ago

    Happens everyday. May I cite Wrestling, Rugby, Football and Lacrosse and seriously contact sports that are acceptable in our culture as purely leisure activities. The Stampede features life on the Ranch as it REALLY is. It's the competing of men and women who truly love animals and the communities they feed in caring for those animals. The Calgary Stampede, being the largest of it's kind has the resources to provide the highest quality of care for the animals that participate. The animals that do are cared for better than their counterparts on smaller rodeos that happen across the country and frankly better than I've seen some livestock get treated on some farms. A rodeo bronco for example will work no more than a collective 5 minutes in it's lifetime. And will enjoy the rest of it being pampered and cared for better than you could imagine. Just expressing a view from the other corner. Thanks for sharing yours.

  • Kim Waterfield - 13 years ago

    rodeo is inheritantly abusive to animals. how would you feel if someone roped you while you were running full speed, jerked you off your feet, and you were dragged by the neck, by creatures much stronger than you? Would you be in pain, and terrified, you bet!!!
    Is this what you want to teach your children? That it is OK to treat animals as they are THINGS, to be used whatever way we want, just for our entertainment? Do you have pets? How would you feel if they were treated this way. Please people just think about it. These are living, breathing, feeling, sentient beings and they must not be treated like this.

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