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Are you worried about smart meters?

Total Votes: 587

  • Daniel - 12 years ago

    That's terrible!! My hydro bill went up 60% compared to the same period last year. What can we do to fix this??? Please let me know!!

  • Mary Adkins - 12 years ago

    The type of radiation emitted by "smart" meters has been declared a Class 2B Carcinogen by the World Health Organization/International Agency for Research on Cancer. These meters irradiate every person, pet and plant in and around your home with weapons-grade, pulse modulated microwave radiation, radiation that has been shown through thousands of published, peer-reviewed studies to be harmful to living organisms (see more on this from British microwave expert Barrie Trower at Since existing safety guidelines are NOT biologically based, these meters are not "safe" as is purported by industry because existing safety guidelines were not written for current, pulse-modulated technology, nor do they apply to chronic, long term exposure situations as is the case with "smart" meters that are emitting 24/7 on your home. This is not smart, it's utterly stupid, irresponsible and perhaps bordering on criminal. For more info see

  • Paul Rothe - 12 years ago

    It appears that we are entering an era of Darwinian utopia. At what other period in the evolution of humans have we been subjected to so many toxic assaults on our bodies. It’s a grand, global evolutionary experiment!

    The most recent villain is the Smart Meter. Skeptics will say we’ve been living with electronic devices and their radiation for years without any apparent health impacts. Not so! About 3% to 5% of the population is known to suffer from electrohypersensitivity (EHS). It’s a condition recognized by the World Health Organization, and B.C. residents are eligible to claim disability.

    Similar to the condition of chemical sensitivity which was slow to be accepted by physicians, the first response by some is that EHA symptoms are purely psychosomatic. Try to tell that to the animals—even plants—which are not placebo prone and have shown typically negative responses to the installation of Smart Meters.

    Unfortunately, unlike other devices adding to the ever engulfing electrosmog around us, EHS people cannot chose to avoid Smart Meters; rather they are exposed 24/7 to full body radiation at a level that is still unknown, despite how hard B.C. Hydro may try to convince us of their safety. Then there is the estimated 35% of us whose immune systems may eventually be unable to respond to the continual bombardment of radiation on our DNA. And, what might the longterm effects be on all of the population, such as premature aging.

    Eminent researchers in the field electromagnetic radiation throughout the world now consider electromagnetic radiation to be a global pandemic which even exceeds the concern of climate change. This includes developing countries where the proliferation of wireless communications has been exponential.

    So, in the end, as always happens, it will be a matter of “survival of the fittest! And, to what end?

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    I agree that it is silly to complain about smart meter radiation, then go off and use a cell phone. However, there are other serious issues. For one, it angers me that Hydro wails about being a billion in the hole for infrastructure upgrades, then goes out an spends a billion on devices to replace other devices that are working just fine; incidentally firing all the people that were servicing the old devices, and send them to our ever-lengthening unemployment lines. Secondly, there is the "cram it down your throat thing, that the "Liberal" government handled so brilliantly with the HST. Enough said. Third, there is the bare faced lying by Hydro about the real purpose of the meters, which is to facilitate jacking up rates by charging extra for using power when you need it most; i e, meal time, and the like. They spin manure about "saving" money with the help of the meters, but cleared of all the garbage, this means simply that you will spend less if you turn everything off- for this gem of information we need to spend a billion dollars- and even pay it out to an American outfit, so the money doesn't even stay in British Columbia? Finally, there is the security issue. If Hydro tells anyone that their system is impervious to hacking, in a day when devices exist that can read the chip on your credit card, just by passing close to you on the street, they are once again lying through their teeth. Even defense department computers have been successfully hacked- and by clever computer-savvy kids! Sophisticated crooks could use conceivably use hacked smart meter data to determine patterns of use, and when a house is empty for a period of time, say, during a vacation, or periods of time when there is certain to be nobody home. This would of course be a tremendous aid to nefarious individuals planning break and enter and other domestic crimes. Hydro does not want to talk any more than they have to about this and other privacy issues, because I believe they know full well that in this matter, they are on very thin ice indeed.

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    There is no reason for smart meters. They do not save energy. In fact because they need electricity to operate, they use more and you will pay for it. Cute, a meter Hydro insists you use and you have to pay. They will never pay for themselves. Hydro is using 20 year amortization and the expected life is 12-15 years, and they require high maintenance during those years. Premier McGuinty of Ontario said it was a boondoggle and one of his worst decisions-- Toronto Star, Sept. 2010. And you will see huge increases in monthly bills when time of use comes in. It's scheduled to be functional July 2012. They probably will wait until after the election to implement it because the Libs would be buried if they did so beforehand. The only thing green about this program is the money flowing from our pockets into the corporations'. Thanks Campbell -Clark.

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