Are you satisfied with the new oilsands monitoring program?


  • Ruth Campbell - 12 years ago

    The monitoring plan should be run by an independent agency, not by bureaucrats who are agents for the two levels of government, and by extension, for the oil industry. If civil servants can define the perimeters of research, the resulting data will be less than reliable. The federal and Alberta governments pledge to provide public access to the monitoring data, but what Canadians should have is information that is freely gathered and objectively interpreted by an independent body. I am concerned that this new plan--which won't begin running for another three years--won't be much of an improvement over Alberta's dicredited RAMP.

  • Stan - 13 years ago

    Although this looks good at first glance, the effectiveness of any environmental monitoring will only become apparent after all the operators have shut down and moved their equipment - and their profits - out of the country.

    There needs to be effective monitoring of land reclamation as an ongoing process. There needs to be strict deadlines set, supported by the posting of a bond, that requires compliance with reclamation standards within a certain amount of time after operations cease.

    No operator should be allowed to shut down and leave the province until ALL the land involved in that operation has been reclaimed and approved by scientific testing authorities.

  • Louis - 13 years ago

    What the heck is charlie talking about? Clearly he is an Albertan who knows one thing and that is money is first in this world. We need start thinking for the environment first. Everything else is on the back burner. Without the clear water and clean air, money is the last thing anyone will need.
    We need someone other than a politician (Peter Kent being non-knowledgeable as with any politician) to monitor the TAR SANDS.

  • charlie - 13 years ago

    if you truly love this country and this world you will allow the pipeline to go through. it will generate hundreds of thousands of jobs, it's ethical, and it will not efect the enviroment unless some shmuck like CBC screws it up. Did you know 1.1 billion dollars in tax money goes to them every year.

    Read this book

    Ethical oil by Ezra levant.

  • David - 13 years ago

    For this monitoring to be credible an independent team must be put in place by all interested parties as in both the government and environmentalists need to be involved in the selection process of who would oversee this process.

    No one is against improving the economy or creating long-term and high wage employment but we do not want to do so at the expense of the environment. We need to have a greater appreciation for the natural surroundings we live in than how money it can generate for us. Despite what Mr. Harper et al may think I and many others love our country and want nothing but the best for all that choose Canada as their home. I am not a radical. I just care about the environment that is all and I hate to see it sacrificed for the almighty dollar. The last time I tried money never satisfied my hunger nor did it quench my thirst. We need to control money more than it controls us as it does Mr. Harper and the rest of the Conservative Party.

    Here is a book everyone needs to read:

    Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder written by Richard Louv.

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