Is the Queen's Diamond Jubilee important to you?


  • R B Downs - 13 years ago

    I am a loyal subject of Her Majesty in Canada, both by volition and by oath. I have deeply admired and respected the Queen's ability to maintain stability and decorum despite some of the most trying times. Unlike many Canadian politicians and senators, Her Majesty is on the job 365 days of the year, representing Great Britain and the Commonwealth. Those who think the monarch a mere figurehead are sadly mistaken. Her influence can be far reaching.
    Long may she reign.

  • Rob House - 13 years ago

    With all due respect to the Queen, Canada needs to stop paying for her & the Royal family. The visit of William & Kate cost the Canadian tax payer millions & now the government is going to spend another 6.7 million I believe it is to celebrate 60 years of the Queen's rein? And don't get me started on the Governor General's position as the Queen's representative & what that costs us. Well over 10 million dollars a year & for what? It's complete crap! We are supposed to be in a time of fiscal restraint are we not? We can't get money out of Ottawa for things like emergency services (Police, Fire/Rescue,Paramedics), education or health care which are essential to the country, but the government always seems to find money to spend on this kind of garbage, spending our money like drunken sailors with no consequences. How about the horses that are sent to the Queen every year from the RCMP breeding program at our cost? How many flippin' horses does the woman need for God's sake? If the Queen & the Royals want to come here, have horses shipped to them or celebrate the Queens rein, etc., let it be on their dime not ours. They've got enough money to pay their own freakin' way. Our tax money should be spent on things Canadians actually need, not constantly pissed away on on this kind of bullshit with nothing to show for it.

  • Doug Robinson - 13 years ago

    The Queen's Diamond Jubilee is of the most importance and interest to both my wife and myself. Having been born in England over 8O years ago we grew up to become staunch loyalists, loving and supporting anything that pertained to the Royal Family, ever conscious,of course, that we were watching a family grow up, and develop, in the same way as any other family, with all its little quirks and quibbles.When Elizabeth ascended the throne, in 1952, she had the true support of the nation, and has lived up to that, in what we consider to be, the best possible way. She will have our very best wishes, for many more ruling years to come.

  • Lee Robinson - 13 years ago

    As an avid birder who has circumnavigated the globe from Invercargill to Tuktoyaktuk, from Loch Lomond to the Ruwenzoris, from Singapore to Gros Morne; born in Lancashire but raised in Ontario, I continually turn to our beloved monarchy as a worldwide symbol of hope, wisdom and prosperity. The Commonwealth is one of the only remaining thriving global clusters of nations which has consistently and successfully grappled with, and democratically overcome, its adversities. While wars continue to erupt, and greed seems, at times, commonplace, one can only read, watch or listen to the words and actions of our Queen who, with her quiet resolve and steadfast dutifulness, continues to promote "togetherness", "family" and "neighbourliness". Of course my family and I will be joining with the world in honouring Elizabeth II with our own celebrations in June, and I certainly wish the Queen many more years of health and savoir-faire.

  • Charles Damery - 13 years ago

    The Queen represent stability in our system. We don't have that continious election system they have in the United States. Even though she is just a figure head, it's better to have her as a figure head than having a new head of state every 4 or 8 years.

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