What did you think of Menino and Bloomberg's Super Bowl ad?


  • Bill Kauffman - 11 years ago

    If they would only tell the truth, just once in their lives.. Did not the brother, even tho he was shot by police in the shootout, actually die from blunt force trauma, caused by his own brother hitting, dragging him with a motor vehicle, as he escaped the scene. Therefor his own brother actually killed him with a vehicle, not a gun. So his death was caused, as more are instead of by firearms. But Bloomberg and his type will not, nor can, tell the truth, it would hurt their cause/agenda.

  • Harold - 13 years ago

    What a waste of taxpayers' monies. They could have provided a lot of comfort and care for the needy, while providing more support for law enforcement to reduce crime. They haven't got a clue about the real world we live in.

  • Clement - 13 years ago

    And again... Under the speech of "2nd amendment defenders", these two go the same route as all the anti-gun groups: restrict law abiding citizens thinking it will reduce the crime. But correct me if I am wrong: aren't illegal guns purchased illegally ? If so, how a new law that will restrict me from protecting myself and my family will prevent criminals from buying more guns in the black market ?

  • Jason b - 13 years ago

    I believe there are problems with some gun laws in many states. These two, however don't believe in private ownership of firearms. Their records both speak volumes about what they really want for gun control. Don't believe their lies when they say they are patriots or for the second amendment.

  • Mr. D - 13 years ago

    It's Hitler & Kim Jong II... . In disguise !

  • Daryl Carlton - 13 years ago

    These people don't live in the real world. These Mayor's need to tell their police chief's to enforce the gun laws on the books now instead of creating new restrictive laws that only hurt law abiding citizens. They need to look at Cuba or Mexico or any other country where guns have been taken away from honest citizens. They need to concentrate on solving other problems. Don't believe any Democrat like Hillery and Obama or these other politicians. The Mafia must not want any armed resistance in Boston or New York.

  • larry - 13 years ago

    If these mayors are so anti gun let them give up there armed security details

  • Breeze - 13 years ago

    Really getting tired of the same old crap, "get rid of guns, and everything will be fine." Never has worked, never will.

  • joey cz - 13 years ago

    the 2 worst citys and the 2 worst shitty mayors, bloombag is a ass.

  • Bob Leach - 13 years ago

    Richmond, VA; Talahassee, FL and other get armed and crack down venues show that when
    enforcement and defence become vigorous crime drops about 78%. Israel reviewed its
    options to stop its schools from attack and airlines from hijacking and correctly elected to
    arm its responsible people. Attacks stopped almost entirely.

    Civil disarmament (gun control) and intimidation (TSA bullying, etc.) are historic techniques
    to bring populations under socialist control (recall the Holacaust, brown shirts, etc.). Within 5 years of disarming its people England's crime doubled as did the presence of guns on its streets. They just created a black market as with alcohol and drugs. Strongly reinforce responsibility with life in solitary for terrorist shooters, etc. "Use a gun and you're done".

  • KK - 13 years ago

    Bloomberg - billionaire scum bag. Will say anything to get support from his liberal fakers.

    Bloomie, Pelosi and the little A hole from Nevada will throw us under the Communist bus.

  • Jim Thomas - 13 years ago

    Common Sense Gun Control Laws.......... Nothing Common or Sensible about it.
    There are already too many gun laws on the books. Making it against the law to use a firearm in the commission of a crime pretty much covers EVERYTHING illegal.
    The ONLY new gun law I would LOVE to see would be: If you shoot a Dirt-Bag committing a crime, who is armed with a firearm, either real or fake, loaded or not, you will get your choice of a case of alcoholic beverage, a Case of great Cigars, and a case of ammunition to go along with your NEW handgun. A personal letter from the President, saying "Thank you for defending America and your own neighborhood" might be nice too.

  • Chronic Payne - 13 years ago

    Remove blacks and hispanics from Boston and NYC and you will see a dramitic drop in gun crime.

  • Perry Garcia - 13 years ago

    First of all, it is my belief, that anyone who supports the second amendment does not believe in further gun legislation. Every state has sufficient gun laws, that not only restrict unlawful gun possession but punishes those who use firearms illegally. If they want to make a change then they should focus their efforts on the conviction of the law violators with enhancements. Their message is emotion based rather that fact based. Gun legislation only affects those who purchase firearms through a normal retail transaction.

  • dan black - 13 years ago

    Same old crap from the prohibisionists they can't handle their own cities so blame it on the guns not the people. Tell the lie enough and it becomes the truth.

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