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Should Health Canada impose regulations to limit trans fat in processed food?

Total Votes: 2,547

  • Paul - 13 years ago

    The problem with regulation is that it is still the government telling people what to do - the same people that say we shouldn't eat trans fat (which no human being should EVER - not disputing that) is saying that we shouldn't have raw milk (which is a complete joke). We want the government to protect us, and their protection is not a bad thing - but when it comes to things that we can do ourselves, that's where personal responsibility comes into play. If people want to be healthy, then that is part of being healthy - taking personal responsibility for their body.

  • Greg Shea - 13 years ago

    Yes, of course, Health Canada should do their job completely unbothered and interfered with by this government, or any government. Why are we not being protected? Corporations care? I don't think so! Even the Heart & Stroke Foundation is missing the boat with their MAKE DEATH WAIT. ads. Frankly, with the recent news about sugar, particularly high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), that is a much bigger issue to regulate than trans fats. We have been duped. The Health Check program is simply a "paid" way for companies to give us the impression that their "food" product is healthy (i.e. safe). Far from it. And if Canadians really want to reduce obesity and T2 diabetes, they need to wake up and GET OFF WHEAT! Are you listening Hedy? Get, read and act on what the book "Wheat Belly" is telling us. Please! It took 3 years for Dr. Lustig, et al, to get the message about "added sugar" recognized (i.e. see the Nature article just published). When will we really get serious about our health?

  • Marvin Barnes - 13 years ago

    Musn't inconvenience producing companies with pesky regulations! I guess they got tax breaks too!?

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