Do you support the Glacier Discovery Walk project at Jasper National Park?


  • Carmen - 13 years ago

    I think that it would've been nice if this hadn't (once again) been a project which will ultimately benefit a foreign investor through the use of Canadian wilderness. Yes we may get a few new jobs, and the initial construction phase will see some Canadians hired out, but ultimately the coins in the coffers are being shuttled into American pockets.
    Think that educational value proposed by projects like this is critical to the survival and longevity of our parks systems, but that local support for projects like this should've made this project a no-go from the start.

  • Johnny - 13 years ago

    538 respondents don't support this? Weird. Only 140 people showed up for the public discussions - in total, in four stakeholder hotbeds (Banff, Jasper, Calgary & Edmonton).
    Yawwwnnn.... must be another slooowwww day in the news room, better engineer some outrage....

  • Gerry Perran - 13 years ago

    Total money grab by Brewsters.An American owned company.Shame on Parks Canada for permitting such a aboration to be built.Totally against what our National Parks stand for.
    Brewster are lineing their pockets with nothing more than a extention of their #1 money maker The Icefield sno-coach tours.What an embarresment to our National Parks system.Sad day to be a Canadian.

  • Reg Hawkes - 13 years ago

    It will be a great attraction and very educational. It should be used before it melts and is of no use to anyone.

  • Drew S - 13 years ago

    Anyone i have spoken to has been against this. The whole reason for a public national park is natural beauty, FREE OF CHARGE. Not carving and permanently destroying the rock for a tourist attraction and charging visitors $15+ to use.

    Sad day for parks in Canada

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