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Will you be affected by the end of the long-gun registry?

Total Votes: 1,440

  • FreeCanadianPress - 13 years ago

    Even the polls on this CBC website have a fear mongering slant. It amazes me, it sounds like they are asking me if I am worried about the data lost. That's hilarious! The list is dangerous in the wrong hands and shouldn't have been compiled in the first place. It's not the RCMP that should be feared, they are out in the cities towns and rural areas just doing their job. It's what the list may be used for in the future. It's not effective in stopping crime and only serves as a future collection list. If you can't see this you do not understand true freedom and would rather be a peasant or subject blindly led with a false sense of security than a citizen of a democratic free country...

  • Wayner - 13 years ago

    Glad that the money waste is now gone. Channel it into health care where it will do some good. For those that can actually think, guns do not kill, people do and will do so regardless of a registry that serves no purpose.

  • Deny Chartre - 13 years ago

    as a young hunter who went through all the legal process's my opinion is this,
    I actually own numerous long guns, registering them is pointless. guns dont commit crimes, people do! the individual that may or may not have weapons should be the concern, if some one makes a decission to harm some one a registry isnt going to prevent anything,
    the registry only targets good hard working people who love the outdoors, it doesnt target the drug dealer with a stolen .45 tucked in his pants... getting rid of the registry doesnt mean you can go to a firearms outfitter and buy what you want without going threw the P.A.L and criminal check, meaning not just anyone could buy a gun, and criminals dont have that priveledge... so if youre affected by the loss of the registry, please seek help and educate youreself on hunters, hunting and the etiquette that goes along with us, when the registration started my father gave up all his guns and quit a familly tradition, 2011 was my first moose hunt with him teaching me, he didnt have any firearms... I look forward to this october, with the registration on its way to being gone I can finally say welcome back Dad!

  • Harvey - 13 years ago

    Its long overdue.The registry is causing a lot of needless pain and money for the vast majority of Canadians.And it also infringes upon our right to own a gun.Always thought of Harper as a devil, but I guess even a devil can make a sensible decision.By the way I hate Harper as a prime minister,due to the fact that he got no time for Newfoundlanders. And also believe that we were conned into confederation in 1949,if indeed we ever did join legally.

  • H - 13 years ago

    What's so bad about the cops knowing who has weapons and who doesn't. sounds like a good safety precausion.

  • m - 13 years ago

    It's about time.

    BTW. What a bad poll. LOL

  • Q - 13 years ago

    The scrapping of the registry signals the end of Canada. Harper is making a big mistake.

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