Do you agree with Trudeau's way of expressing distaste for 'Harper's Canada'?


  • Al - 13 years ago

    Funny how your article stated MOST did not agree with Trudeau yet your poll indicated over 60% did agree with Mr.Trudeau!!!

    C.B.C. folks trying for a senate seat?????

    And who was it again who wanted to build a firewall around Alberta when the Liberals were in power?

    Why would that not be our P.M.???


  • FEAR - 13 years ago

    Adolf Harper is scary.This guys agenda is gong to take care of the corporations while giving less to the poor and the middle class .While he simply writes his hockey book and fiddles while Canada burns.

  • Joanne - 13 years ago

    I had almost forgotten how HOT Justin is! Thank goodness he's back in the spotlight.

  • Erik - 13 years ago

    While I absolutely agree with him comments like this will only serve to help solidify the diehards in the Harper camp and alienate moderate voters.

  • Martin the Canadian - 13 years ago

    Sadly, M Trudeau is right ... the dangerously-rogue far-right Harper Regime is tearing the country apart, for the benefit of their wealthy friends. When there's very little left, they'll leave, whining that business is not so good any more ...

    Conservatives ... the ruling minority-supported demagogues abandoning real and honest Canadians as fast as they can.

  • pepa - 13 years ago

    This baster is idiot same like his MATHER!!!!!! Totaly p...k!!!!!!!

  • Kilby - 13 years ago

    We had no idea that he was going to take away all of our rights and freedoms that as Canadians we take for granted, seems to be on his own agenda and it feels like we are being sold to the United States and large corporate interests.As well, keeping the real estate market propped up for so long is going to collapse the entire economy if it isn't allowed to re set on its own. Justin Trudeau is right, this is not my Canada anymore. Scary man Mr. Harper is.

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