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Should the immigration minister alone decide which countries are “safe”?

Total Votes: 908

  • Gladys Parks-Lomas - 13 years ago

    No, definitely not, no one person should have the authority to decide which country is safe or not, this is a democracy and we have groups that deal with this and are true authorities on the conditions in most countries and we all know that many countries turn a blind eye to some countries plights because there is no value in it for them, these decisions should be made by people who actually know what they are talking about and will receive nothing(political favors etc) for decisions about who is safe. We have a system in this democratic country it's called parliament and the right to vote and this should be submitted and voted on, when it's decided who is safe and who is not.

  • DerekP - 13 years ago

    While the reason Europeans are applying and failing to emigrate to Canada is not addressed in the reporting. One can surmise that the failed immigration policies and its priorities have more to do with the rise in rejected refugee-claims, then the minister is letting on. Everyone should keep in mind that this is the minister who supports the payment to human smugglers by the smuggled refugee-claimants prior to any consideration on the merits of their claim all the while the claimants (including children) are left in legal limbo for up to a year in specially-designed internment centers.

    Poor decisions being made at the Federal level is an under-statement.

  • Gerrym67 - 13 years ago

    The decision as to what countries are"safe" cannot be vested solely in the hands of the Minister...particularly this one. There are many agencies/organizations and human rights experts who can, and should, contribute to the evaluation. It is, however, a decision for Government, and should be before a Parliamentary committee, and potentially before Parliament for a vote, either singly, or a schedule for debate.
    This government is not trustworthy, and they discard alternate opinions with abuse and arrogance.

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