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Poll: Is it ok for a 4th grader to walk almost 5 miles to school?

Total Votes: 9,477

  • babydee - 12 years ago

    That is the problem with people today butting there dam noses in other peoples bussiness. The bad ass child should of listened! I agree with the mother except, i would be kicking his ass for 4.6 miles.

  • Jan - 12 years ago

    I disagree with having him walk,maybe if someone walked with him.I'd be the one being punished cause I'd be stressing all day did he make it.Theres too many weirdos out there.

  • Jan - 12 years ago

    I disagree with having him walk,maybe if someone walked with him.I'd be the one being punished cause I'd be stressing all day did he make it.Theres too many weirdos out there.

  • Mimi - 12 years ago

    No I Dont Think This So Call Punishment Is Right Thats How Kids Get Kidnap Or Rap Or Something Bad Could Happen To Them I Think Parents Have To Think More Clearly Of Whats The Difference Between Punishment And Neglecting A Child

  • Helen Hevener - 12 years ago

    Our school bus drivers when I was in school never hesitated to throw you off the bus and make you walk home if you caused trouble- now they cant do that. Dont want to walk - then learn to behave on the bus to start with- I dont see where the mother did anything wrong- she was teaching her son the consequences of what happens when you dont control yourself. That is the thing of it now- children never learn the consequences from anything because they are always taken care of no matter how terrible they act!!! Thats why we got grown people who cant get along with other people - becuase they never had to learn to!!!! I think the mother was right on target making the boy walk to school!!!

  • karen - 12 years ago

    Back in ours days it would of been the same. We wounder why our society is out of control are rights as parents are gone. Not everybody abuses there kids. And those tht do should be punished yes. But we can't even give thm a little spanken. Wht is wrong with our world today. Train up a child on the way thy should go. It is our job as patents to teach thm the way. We can't teach thm good morals if we can disciple them. Spare the rod spoil the child. We can't spank them because we are abusing are children. There are ways not we can spank them with out abusing them. Know getting a ticket for teaching them a lesson
    Come on that's foolish. Know these days it is dangerous to walk alone. I think she could of walk with him. There is weirdos.

  • Jon - 12 years ago

    To Taylor - The kid is far more likely to be hit by a car. The whole "bogeyman" kidnapper/pedophile/stranger-danger thing is horribly exaggerated by the fact that any news story that hits the internet is instantly worldwide. Back when I was a kid (40) kidnappings rarely went beyond the local news, and its usually a non-custodial parent anyway. So chill out on the fear factor.

    Back on topic, how many of us have heard grandpa drone on about walking 10 miles to school, uphill both ways, in the middle of winter, with big holes in his shoes? Frankly, America's kids could use a few miles' walk to school each day. Maybe then they wouldn't turn into fatted veal playing XBox all day.

  • taylor - 12 years ago

    With the kidnappers, sex offenders, pedophiles, and murderers out there..I would NEVER do that type of punishment.

  • LOL - 12 years ago

    I believe she did the right thing, the reason these kids are like they are these days is because, parents do not disapline bad behavier. Go to your room and what disipline is that with Ipods, Stereos, computers, tv's in their room. She did the right thing.

  • Terri - 12 years ago

    You know it's sad to see so many parents THESE days have such a lack of concern for the safety and welfare of their children. YES I too walked to school if i missed the bus as a child but times WERE different and people and neighbors were more involved and concerned for one another. I personally would NOT let my 10 year old walk to school which is about 2.5 miles from home. I choose to be involved and concerned for my children. I do not trust this world and the crazy, child-molesting, psychos out there. It is of course a personal choice but I for one don't see why any responsible and loving parent would want to. Teach him a lesson is what the mother wanted to do? There are many other ways to discipline without risking your childs safety.

  • Keith Parsels - 12 years ago

    Get a life! On one hand you have people saying kids don't exercise on the other hand you have the nanny state saying baby the kids. I road the city bus from Absecon to Atlantic city to school every day when I was in third and fourth grade. about 10 miles.

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    For everybody saying "our world is way to dangerous than it was before" - this isn't the case. These crimes just appear to happen more often than they do (50 years ago today we had 143 million less people) - statistically the rate is the same, we just have a higher population and a more pervasive news force/media coverage.

  • Bungulon the Great - 12 years ago

    I walked to school almost every day as a kid. I'm still here. No predation, no injuries, the worst that happened is I got rained on.....

  • Rachel - 13 years ago

    @ jim my kids are both in karate and have been for two years i would not feel safe having them walk 2 blocks to school by them selfs let alone 4 and a half miles
    and anyone who disagrees just watch the news and see how many stories there are involving child abduction.

  • Jim - 13 years ago

    What kind of a poll question is that? Does yes mean no, or the other way around? When answering the question here is how it reads: "What do you think? Is it okay to make a 4th grader walk almost five miles to school to learn a lesson, or is it a bad idea?" so.... if I mark yes because I think it is a bad idea it really means i support it? Only after you answer it does it state Poll: Is it ok for a 4th grader to walk almost 5 miles to school?

    Secondly where do any of you get off telling other people how to raise their kids? There is not enough information to answer this poll. My 10yr old boy is a purple belt in bjj, I'd feel sorry for anyone trying to abduct him with a weapon or not.

    Again not enough information, and I agree with Jeff

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    Could it be that some of this child's behavior problems are related to the fact that he has the kind of mother who would make him walk 5 miles to school when he got in trouble? I'm sure I'm safe in assuming that his father is nowhere to be found to help with the issue....

  • Trevor - 13 years ago

    I agree the kid should Learn a lesson but making a 10 year old walk alone 5 miles isn't exactly the right decision. And for the people who walked miles to school when they were kids.......did you walk miles to school in a metropolis? Most likely not. There's ALOT more weirdos out there then there used to be. There's a difference for a teenager to be walking alone and a 10 year old walking alone. plus kicking a kid off the bus for yelling is kind of stupid.......ten year olds yell a lot in the first place. The mom diserved the ticket honestly. Ask yourself "Would I do this to my child when they are 10?" a 10 year olds safety comes before learning lesson about not yelling on the bus.

  • Holly - 13 years ago

    wow, I have a 10 year old and I dont let her walk to school by her self and her school is literally 10 mins walking distance, I get up each morning, make her lunch and walk her to the school yard, yes I know things can happen anywheres however any chance I get to reduce the risk, I will, ive heard numerous cases of stranger child abductions happening when kids are walking to and from school, Tori Stradfords case is one thats in the news now

  • Ann - 13 years ago

    This is such a screwed up world. There was no such thing as school buses (or even famiy vehicles) when my parents went to school and they had to walk several miles. When I went to grade school, fortunately we had neighborhood schools, but high school was a different matter. I had to walk about 3 1/2 miles to school, rain or shine, cold or not. Now the buses pick up kids even if they live 2 blocks from school (seriously, this is true in our district!)

    Having said all that, I would have followed my child by car to make sure he made it. I have to go back and re-read the article to see how this child is supposed to get an education if he is not allowed to take the bus to school. Not everybody has a car or can drive either. I personally am not surprised about the high number of people who said yes. I think these are people of middle age that can relate when we were kids and had to walk miles to school.

  • Erin - 13 years ago

    Walking that distance is not the issue. The issue is whether or not her 10 yr old son was safe during this 4.6 mile walk. The fact that he was spotted in a busy parking lot by himself, that is clearly not safe for a child of that age. There are better ways to discipline your child than to endanger his life. Mom fail.

  • Jeff - 13 years ago

    WOW really people! I'm with the mother. I have childern and would do the same thing. Riding the bus is a privilege not a right. People are saying the kid "COULD" have been abducted while walking to school. However while at school he "COULD" have been sexually molested at school by a teacher. So I guess he shouldn't go to school at all now cause of what "MIGHT" happen. As far as the person that said she should have put a belt to his butt, do you know that she hasn't already tried that? Also that could get her a child abuse case. I agree she should try that but this is the 5th time this kid has been kicked off the bus. My parents would have done the same damn thing to me. Also to the person that said take his games away same thing do you know if the parent hasn't already tried that? IM PROUD OF THIS MOM AND MY KIDS WILL GET THE SAME THING IF THEY SCREW UP THIS MANY TIMES AND DONT LEARN THEIR LESSON. When I was in School at that age if we did something wrong we would get punished, now if you punish your kids the government tells you how to do so. My MOM & DAD punished me and wasn't told how to do so and I turned out just fine. I think the government should deal with their own problems and stay out of it.

  • Stacie Lewis - 13 years ago

    This is the most f**ed up thing yet !!!!! I bet the dumb Ass who did this had to walk 10 miles to school & he hates his mother for makin him walk... My God how many of us had to walk miles to school cause we missed the bus thank God that moron was not an adult then........

  • matt - 13 years ago

    The fact that the government is now telling you how to discipline your child who was kicked off the bus for behavior issues is a tell tale sign of where we are headed or have already arrived. What does that tell the child? I not only believe it is appropriate, but teaches the child that there are consequences to every negative action that you commit. The suggestion that taking a "game away" is enough, is a person placing what they know or believe they know about their children on someone else. Not every child responds the same way and to the same type of discipline. Thank god someone is trying to improve their childrens behavior!!!! You don't see that much these days.

  • JEANINE SERRAON - 13 years ago


  • Heather - 13 years ago

    I am appalled to see that "YES" has more votes!!! What the heck is wrong with parents these days?! I am a 26 yr old mother of 3 & most people would probably think I would have answered YES because of my age! I get treated very differently by my child's friends parents because of my age! But in all honesty.. I am the only NORMAL parent that I know of so far in Colorado! SO many crazy parents let their 2 & 3 yr olds run around this park by THEMSELVES!!! Leaving their kids home alone all the time.. & now people thinking that it's ok to let this boy walk 4.6 miles to schoool by HIMSELF?! The way the world is today.. even if it would have been when I was a kid.. I would still say NO it is not safe!! But the world today is horrible! I barely let my kids walk down our street because of so many child abductions, murders, child molesters... NO WAY! You guys seriously need to take a parenting class.. all the ones who said YES it is ok!! HELL NO IT'S NOT!!!

  • Tony - 13 years ago

    Although the child was misbehaving, the mother should have enough sense not to let her child walk to school. (4.6 miles, (come on man)) There are predators everywhere. She should put a belt on his backside and she wouldn't have that problem.

  • carol Pleake - 13 years ago

    The lesson could have been less dangerous (with abductions all around us) the mother could have had him walk around a safe place as in a track and give him some "laps" to do with supervision. Just sayin.
    I raised two successful boys into men and as a single parent. So, I know a few tings. :)

  • Reenie - 13 years ago

    I think the punishment was fine...however the mother should have followed the child to make sure he got there safely.

  • Chuck - 13 years ago

    Child protective services should be put on a watchlist the chance of a child being physically or sexually abused is 15 times higher than in the home of the parents

  • shelly - 13 years ago

    To the anonymos person, you say" these damn nosey people", but if something would have happened to the little boy then people would say "Why didn't someone see or do anything". Do you have kids, cause a normal person that has a son or daughter that is 10 years old would walk to take their kid to school. You can sit there and say it's ok for a 10 yr old to walk almost 5 miles to school, but you don't even have the balls to put your name on here...imagine that!!

    A loving parent would have walked or driven their kid to school, we don't live like our grandparents did. Time has changed, everyone knows this..

  • River - 13 years ago

    I do not not agree with making a kid his age walk that far on his own. Our world today is way more dangerous now a days then 50 years ago. His mother should have followed him or walked with him. Besides he is 10 years old he is still learning how to handle how to do thing there are way that are much more positive and productive in his growth. Making him walk on his own is dangerous and should be considered negative reinforcement. The fact that he asked the police officer not to punish his mom for his misbehavior should speak a lot for the child's manners, actions, and his personality.

    I say this to the mother...I disagree with how you handled this entirely..Everyone makes mistakes i just hope you don't make this one again.


  • Heidi - 13 years ago

    That is rediculous.. she should have somehow kept an eye on him so that nothing could have happened to him. These are not the same "times" as when we were kids, and there wasn't as big a fear of something happening to your kid. Who'd be the first person crying their eyes out if something happened to that 10 year old boy? Yes, the mom!. I understand the lesson, but at some point, ya have to think about safety. This is an evil world, there are bad people out there just waiting for you to take your eyes off your kids, so they can snatch em' up. She should have either walked it with him, drove behind him, or something.. not left a 10 year old boy alone for a walk like that by himself.

  • rahmcp - 13 years ago

    When I was a kid, this was called "getting to school however you had to" (and I lived roughly 4 miles from town, so this was sometimes done, even when I was fourth grader). Today, there are too many weirdos and crazies out there so it was irresponsible if she wasn't following at a discrete but safe distance.

  • Janilew - 13 years ago

    I would have walked him to school, or followed behind on my bike. When I taught 8th grade in a rural school, I kept a boy after school for misbehaving. His mom made him walk home 10 miles! Needless to say, he didn't misbehave again.

  • anonymous - 13 years ago

    i fell the mother did the right thing by telling her kid that he needed to walk he wants to be acting up on the bus its called learning his lesson. Every mother is entitled to teaching there kids lessons.
    And that gaurd needs to keep his nose out of other peoples business and worry about his own JOb dam nosie people.

  • John - 13 years ago

    You do realize that, statistically, it is SAFER for kids now than it was when we were kids, or when our parents where kids? You are so easily scared by any news story of something bad happening that you have forgotten to use your brain. We are raising a generation of pampered, over protected children who can't do anything on their own, and end up living with us until they are 25. Good job, cowards!

  • Moolah - 13 years ago

    What happened to the "walking 20 miles one way - up hill - to school" that our grandparents claimed they suffered through? Feeding your kids Doritos & Mountain Dew should be considered child endangerment. What about all of the parents that allow predators (friends and family) into their own homes to harm their children? What about all of the kids being snatched out of their beds in the middle of the night while their parents sleep safely in the next room. I call BS! If we cared about kids we'd protect them from their so-called guardians, as well as, from strangers. I agree w/ the majority of pollers - walking was not an unjust punishment for the crime and saying she endangered him??? My lil cousin was hit by a car a block from his house leaving the park in a group of kids. He was the last one in the group and got clipped by a truck that JUMPED THE CURB and hit him on the sidewalk!! The man drove off without even getting out of the car... My cousin survived - Thank God!

  • DeAnn Pudak - 13 years ago

    It depends ...I do not have a problem with the distance but I think the mom should have followed him in a car or walked with him . It still would have driven home the message that the Bus is a privilage not a right and you have to follow rules.

  • kristin - 13 years ago

    I really worries me that 60% of the people polled think a child this is okay. I would love to know if the people who answered this poll actually HAVE children. Has anyone watched the news lately! How many children are picked up by pedophiles and KILLED never to be seen again. Are you kidding me! NO a 10 year old is NOT old enough to be left alone, ANYWHERE!! The responsible, loving mom, who wants to teach her child a lesson, would have walked WITH her son.

  • Angel - 13 years ago

    I agree with Susan somewhat, it's not the walking to school that's the issue, it's how crazy this world is that makes it frightening. I wouldn't allow my 10 year old child to walk to the corner store alone now a days, let alone 5 miles. There are too many crazy people that pray on children these days, it just too dangerous. I do not think the mother should have been cited but a warning and just a reminder of how todays world is and how dangerous it is for children. Good job too the Mom for wanting to teach her son a lesson but she has to come up with something else. I'm glad it was the guard who noticed the child and not some pervert!

  • susan - 13 years ago

    with today's society, the walking to school isn't the bad part. But walking ALONE at that age is!! A ten yr old should not be out by themselves at any time! What was this mom thinking??? She should have been cited for child endangerment, and social services should be called in, and to put her on a watch list. There are too many "weirdos" out there, that had ample opportunity to grab this child. Kudos for the guard that called the police!!

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