Should federal scientists and journalists have more open lines of communication between each other?

1 Comment

  • Vetting Alarmism and Bias - 13 years ago

    Non-secret work of bureuacrats should be available to everyone minus any information that would violate Canadian privacy laws. All work that passes credible scientific peer review must be placed in the public domain.

    Bureaucrats should also have strong whistleblower protections enshrined in law for their actions in the event that national security or privacy is being inappropriately applied to cover up factual yet embarassing information.

    On the other hand, there needs to be a balance. Bureaucrats pushing their religious views or slanted ethics by making alarmist remarks should be outed and permanently fired from government employment of any kind in Canada. This principle applies equally to law enforcement bureaucrats who use child protection concerns to push for warrantless snooping laws and scientists who make alarming remarks about far out possible implications of their work. They should all be outed and blackballed in the most public way possible. Using one's position as a civil servant for hyperbole in the media should actually be a crime.

    For one example, I think Canadians would really like to know specifically which bureaucrats are most directly responsible for pushing various versions of warrantless wiretap in Canada. Various versions of Bill C-30 keep getting pushed by who exactly? The public does not want Canada to become America Junior with warrantless spying and secret assassination orders against ordinary people the government doesn't like. Those in public service pushing for "America Junior" need to be outed and blackballed. These people are anti-Canadian and traitors to civilization.

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