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Are You Afraid Of Confrontation?

Total Votes: 57

  • Isaiah - 12 years ago

    Man nigga fuck avoiding confrontation! When I was younger, I was the quiet kid who tried to avoid having problems with people. Till this one guy kept on messing with me because he thought I was a punk. I confronted him one day and punched him in his chest after that, he stopped fucking with me. Sometimes, you just have to confront people.

  • ProfessLCH - 12 years ago

    After this show, I decided to give Larion's podcast, "Man, Listen," a shot. I listened to all the episodes and REALLY laughed. I appreciated their rapport and natural ease with each other and the topics. Thanks, @TBGWT; I think this show will stay in my lineup for the foreseeable future!

    ProfessLCH aka Linda Charlamaine Harris aka Smilodon

  • A Dub - 12 years ago

    I prefer not to deal with drama at all, but like a fat dude with a nappy fro said, "I AIN’T NEVER SCARED!”

  • Gaby - 12 years ago

    Sigh.....I am often told that I am "confrontational". Now, when it comes to politics or a heated issue along those lines, then yeah, I am like the uncle playing "bones" at the kitchen table slamming down all loud and whatnot -- "I SAID Affirmative Action needs to be kept in place! There is no "reverse discrimination"--just discrimination. " And then I start quoting statistics about why Affirmative Action is good, who really has benefited the most (Caucasian women), etc. But people tend to hate when you quote real facts----not the made up facts along the lines of Faux news and Hannity and Gingrich (is he the anti-christ?).

    I do think I may have watched too much Shaka Zulu tv series when I was a kid cause the quote that I always remember is when Shaka says "Never leave an enemy alive, for he will rise again to leap at your throat." So, while I don't mess with swords or spears (nod to Shaka) I will stand my ground on certain topics. My friends just usually laugh and say that the light-skinned ones are always so hard core militant and to just calm down......true...true.... :P LOL

    Keep up the great work Rod and Karen---and big ups to Karen as her jokes have just been on point and she truly is 10 star karen, 4 star Rod. :)

  • Mudrow - 12 years ago

    I feel you about the confrontation playing basketball. I just hate when an over aggressive person think that you since you have a smile on your face and a cheerful dispostition, you wont whup their ass. Just cause I can enunciate words doesn't mean I won't stomp a mudhole in your ass if provoked and backed into a corner. I'm too old to be starting fistfights. I have a dayjob and a copay. Sit yo ass down somewhere. Up Top!

  • Anthony Tatum - 12 years ago

    My Brother and I drove to take out Chinese Restaurant a few months back. My Brother put in his orde and while I was waiting I used one of the vending machines. It took my money without giving me my product. I went to the lady at the counter to ask if she could help. She started to give me a song and dance about not being able to help me in broken english but the killer part is just before that when she was taking orders on the phone she was speaking in perfect english. That really upset me, I told her I heard her taking orders & that she was faking not knowing english. She tried to pass me off to one of her co-workes who was doing the same thing. I just gave in and left.

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