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Should Florida restaurant workers get a lower minimum wage?

Total Votes: 106

  • madria - 11 years ago

    I am a waitress and when i read this it makes me sick to my stomach. Iv'e worked all my life in food service. We work hard for our money. Some of us have children. To reduce the min. wage is like a slap in the face. Ask yourself ? How would you feel?! Degraded. We are in the year 2013! Gas prices rising .as well as food. I love working as a waitress and at times it can be so rough juggling so much. I'd like to see the law makers who want to pass this law ,,,, work a busy lunch hour, two waiters only, in a full service restaurant w/o a busboy. You would get your a ss kicked!

  • madria shaw - 11 years ago

    I am a waitress and when i read this it makes me sick to my stomach. Iv'e worked all my life in food service. We work hard for our money. Some of us have children. To reduce the min. wage is like a slap in the face. Ask yourself ? How would you feel?! Degraded. We are in the year 2013! Gas prices rising .as well as food. I love working as a waitress and at times it can be so rough juggling so much. I'd like to see the law makers who want to pass this law ,,,, work a busy lunch hour, two waiters only, in a full service restaurant w/o a busboy. You would get your a ss kicked!

  • Dorene Yater - 12 years ago

    Please let us all get together and stop the bleeding!
    We should form a union to get our hourly wages set at the minimum wage. Yes we receive tips, but we work hard for every dime. Most if us also do not receive health insurance, retirement or any other benefits. We work on holidays and when it is slow we are sent home with cut hours. If we complain about not getting breaks we are "let go". In Arizona it is a right to work state so an employer may do this. I am still trying to collect my last paycheck from my last employer. And guess what??? It is up to me to try and get it. I must file with small claims court costing me $88 so far for court costs... Anyone else out there having these issues? Let's get together nationwide and make some changes!

  • plumber steve - 12 years ago

    the assualt on the working class continues, florida is already in the depresion belt on wages and fringes and with the help of gov scott it will only get worse.

  • Joan Greenberg - 12 years ago

    Even when the economy is good the customers seem to tip the same. Somewhere between
    10%, the really cheap people, to 15% for others. We don`t get cost of living increases &
    especially now need our checks to cover our bills, which in this ecomomy are exorbitant,
    like gas to get to work. If middle income is abt. $100,000 per yr. , should we be below poverty
    level? What if no people took these low paying jobs. The restaurants would have to close &
    all of you would have to cook. I don`t see the senators taking a decrease in salaries. Why not
    lower their salaries. & give the hard working people what they`re due. If they do this I would
    perfer to go on welfare, like most others in Miami & do better than those like myself that
    actually work. It`s so sad that this country is sooooo screwed up.

  • Steven Czerwonka - 12 years ago

    I'm having a hard enough time as it is with the rising costs in Florida. If they passed this horrible piece of legislation it will put me under because of rent child support, car payment etc. I won't make it...please don't do this Tallahassee I'm on my hands and knees begging you..PLEASE DON'T DO IT!!!

  • John H - 12 years ago

    Wow, this is just one more situation in which we grow the disparity between the wealthy and the middle class. Today, 3% of the worlds population own’s 40% of the wealth. Why is this even a consideration? How many broke restaurant owners do you know? I don’t know any! I know a hell of a lot of barely getting by restaurant workers. This is a damn travesty, when does the greed stop by the upper class elite? When do we say enough is enough? This is nothing but a symptom of local lobbying by friends in high places that fall on powerful ears.

  • eddie salvioni - 12 years ago

    This is just another pathetic attempt by the big corporations to make more profits at the expenses of the small fish,the servers.

  • Jennifer Espinosa - 12 years ago

    I am a waitress and if the minimum wage is lowered when it is out of season I will not make sufficient money in tips.

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